Why are there are so many mods for Fallout 2 but no mods for Fallout?


Still Mildly Glowing
Fallout just has Fallout Fixt and the TeamX patches. This doesn't make sense to me because Fallout desperately needs mods more than Fallout 2 considering Fallout 2 is superior compared to Fallout in every way. YET Fallout has the potential to become just as good as Fallout 2. The game just needs more content and the way it deals with reputation changed to Fallout 2's way of dealing with reputation if you include Fallout Fixt. It makes no sense for someone in the Brotherhood Of Steel vault to be butthurt towards you because you worked for Gizmo and Decker, after all. So why are there so many mods for Fallout 2 but no mods for Fallout?
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I think there are smaller mods for Fo1 here and there (at least in the old archive).

But for actual big mods, total conversions, new adventures, better take engine that do a better job, like Fo2 engine or Fonline engine, and import the few Fo1 ressources that aren't in it if needed.

And that trend will only increase as the Fo1 campaign is in the process in being ported into the Fo2 engine by the FIXT creator.
Fallout 1 has a lot of unfixable engine bugs (at least, it did last time I looked at it, but sfall has come a long way since then), and a lot of limitations - no items can be added, no new cities, etc etc.

And as you said, Fallout 2 is better.
Eventually when F1 is ported into the F2 engine people can make mods for F1 - I wouldn't hold my breath though. The days of major mods for the original Fallouts is probably coming to an end. Sad but true.
Kinda repeating everyone else heh, but: It's a lot harder to mod Fallout than Fallout 2, and the engine isn't as good and is not as modular/robust, so there's many many things you can do with mods in Fallout 2 engine that are basically impossible in Fallout engine.

Also there's more resources for Fallout 2 modding so it's easier to get started. When I began modding for Fixt there was a lot of stuff I had to learn myself because no resources existed for it yet.
Because it is a lot harder to make mods for Fallout 1, and it has way more limitations.

That is too bad. No armor mod for dogmeat and no car for the player in Fallout 1, I guess. No option to join the Khans and attack Shady Sands... No option to sell the overseer into slavery instead of killing him etc. No option to take over Junktown for yourself. No option to do quests for the master etc.
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Kinda repeating everyone else heh, but: It's a lot harder to mod Fallout than Fallout 2, and the engine isn't as good and is not as modular/robust, so there's many many things you can do with mods in Fallout 2 engine that are basically impossible in Fallout engine.

Also there's more resources for Fallout 2 modding so it's easier to get started. When I began modding for Fixt there was a lot of stuff I had to learn myself because no resources existed for it yet.

How did you start to learn about modding for Fixt?
I always kinda felt the armored-dogmeat mod was cheating tbh.

Yeah but I just love seeing him attack my enemies and hate seeing him get to cut to pieces by super mutants. It sucks going into combat with him against super mutants, knowing that he is going to die sooner or later. And every time I see him get burnt to ashes by a flamethrower or mutilated into chunks of meat, it bothers me. I don't really care for Ian or Tycho, that much. Katja is cool looking though. I like that green hair and leather jacket combination.
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Yeah but I just love seeing him attack my enemies and hate seeing him get to cut to pieces by super mutants. It sucks going into combat with him against super mutants, knowing that he is going to die sooner or later.

In Fallout 1, I am yet to figure out how to save any followers. ;(

Super Mutants with rocket launchers tend to 1 hit everyone.
In Fallout 1, I am yet to figure out how to save any followers. ;( Super Mutants with rocket launchers tend to 1 hit everyone.
Use my mod or the NPC Mod by TeamX, give everyone better armor. #fixed

Yeah but I just love seeing him attack my enemies and hate seeing him get to cut to pieces by super mutants. It sucks going into combat with him against super mutants, knowing that he is going to die sooner or later.
Fair enough.

And see, this is why Fallout 2 engine gets modded more; adding dogmeat armor to Fo2 is waaay easier than adding it to Fo1 :)

To your question, hrm, I used the existing resources but beyond that just had to experiment, trial & error. Generally what I would do is read whatever resources I could find for Fallout 2 on what I wanted to do, then I'd have to just fiddle with it to see 1) if it even applied to Fallout1 and if so 2) how to make it work in Fallout1.
To your question, hrm, I used the existing resources but beyond that just had to experiment, trial & error. Generally what I would do is read whatever resources I could find for Fallout 2 on what I wanted to do, then I'd have to just fiddle with it to see 1) if it even applied to Fallout1 and if so 2) how to make it work in Fallout1.

That sounds like a massive amount of work. Thanks for putting in the time and the effort, by the way. Fallout Fixt made so many positive changes to Fallout 1.
That sounds like a massive amount of work. Thanks for putting in the time and the effort, by the way. Fallout Fixt made so many positive changes to Fallout 1.
Thanks! :notworthy:I am looking forward to this next release (more new features, more customizations), and then the one after that (engine port to Fo2 engine).

But, like .Pixote. said, don't hold your breath on that because the engine port is a pain in the ass. It'll happen eventually though.
In Fallout 1, I am yet to figure out how to save any followers. ;(

Super Mutants with rocket launchers tend to 1 hit everyone.

I pretty much tell my followers to fuck off before heading north or into the cathedral for their own good. You can't do that in Fallout with dogmeat though unless you have Fallout Fixt installed. Fallout Fixt is the only way to save dogmeat's life, FYI.