I can post the bugs in the thread/wiki, but is anyone still working on the restoration project? I got the impression that all work on it stopped in 2014.
According to Cubik's critter editor, Darion is number 166 (although he's named "Rondo" in it for some reason) and he does have big guns tagged (total skill of 110). I dont have a save before I clear out vault 15 anymore though...is there a way to reset the map? I tried deleting vault15.sav but the game refuses to load my save after that...
Im guessing the leather armor mk 2 being deleted from the shop inventory is a bug then? It means you cant get it till New Reno, at which point metal armor mk 2 is available which is much better.
The den orphanage is finally there...not sure why it took so long to show up though. I didnt need to do anything extra.
Some other stuff that I noticed :
Navarro NPCs seem to behave oddly if you are in power armor (and possibly advanced power armor). If you are wearing T-51b power armor, the sergeant thinks you are in uniform and never sends you to the quarter master to get your advanced power armor. The base commander reacts the same way.
This is particularly strange if you get on the base by sneaking into the vertibird at the desert transaction. If you surrender, you get transported to the base commander but he simply says "The base is on alert and I don't recognize you soldier. Show me your papers", which I think is the standard line that hes supposed to say if you are in advanced power armor AND the base is on alert (with the lights flashing). At that point you can freely pick his locker and take the FOB and he won't react to you. The base lights are not flashing at this point and i think you still get to keep all your weapons despite "surrendering".
I went back to Arroyo before the last dream and Smoke was still there, and Nagor didnt mention anything about Aunt Morris cooking Smoke. I will try to get a save of this. I couldnt seem to ask anyone about Kaga either.
If you kill Bishop via trapping his safe, you don't seem to get any XP and his body (and loot) is completely missing after you go back up. No bits and pieces in his room.
When you provoke Hoss in NCR to start a fight with you via dialogue, all your companions start pulling out their weapons to kill him, even if you told them to wait outside the cantina. This makes it kind of problematic to have him surrender after you hit him once.
The pulse pistol fires an electrical bolt, but the pulse gun has no projectile selected so it just seems to shoot invisible projectiles. Not a big deal as it is easily fixed.
Fred in the den ends up blocking the door to Flick's after winning at the casino. There is no option to move him out of the way. I uploaded the save here :
http://www.mediafire.com/file/v2ptn2j7t96b6kp/SLOT01.rar since its too large for the forum.
Not sure if bug :
After becoming bishop's made man and if you have killed the raiders, bishop will stop you if he sees you. All the dialogue options at this point seem to lead to combat, although one has him demand that you do the work of twenty men, there is no option to say yes.
When I went to kill Carlson, Merk and his guards were standing in his house but Merk had nothing to say to me. Is he even supposed to be there?
In Broken Hills, you can just wait till its night time then rob the general store blind because the shop inventory is freely accessible on one of the tables, instead of hidden in a box off map.
The door to Vic's room in klamath is trapped and has a very high difficulty lock on it. I cannot find any mention of this change in the documentation...its not in the changelog or anything. It doesnt make sense either.
Several new quests seem to be missing a "0" for exp rewards. I think you get 50 xp for repairing the water pump in the Abbey, or one of the minor Abbey quests. Probably should be 500 xp?
If you go into the Raider's hideout through the front door, shadow who walks has no reaction to you even after you kill eveyone there. He just remains standing there forever.
The amenities office in vault city restocks the first aid, repair and science skill books infinitely even though the information office says that the last of the books are at the amenities office. Since they restock every time the shop restocks, you can just keep coming back to vault city and get those three skills to 91% without putting any points into them.