The King of The Worms
First time out of the vault

A very common trend Bethesda does is they make these games with huge worlds and lots of quests and things to do but no matter what they add in these games they always end up filled with bugs we're talking falling thru the world scripts not working areas not loading etc. Why does Bethesda do this I mean you'd think with the titles they have the rights to you would hope they would care just a little bit? Well from my own personal opinion I think they care to a point that point being "How do we get more money out of this?" See Bethesda knows that their games have some of the hugest modding communities out there people are still modding for Fallout 3 with a new mod posted daily on Nexus. Now a normal gamer would see this and say "Well could you blame them I mean why flesh out problems that other people are gonna fix?" Well i'll tell you the problems and why this business practice is down right deplorable. "In list fashion of course"
1. They're making they're buyers fix something they should be fixing
There's a common phrase that goes "If it ain't broke don't fix it." Normally this would mean if something has no problems why bother fixing them however Bethesda I believe take this and use it in there own way there way being "Hey why fix something when other people will fix it for us for free!" Name one Fallout game made by Bethesda that didn't have an unofficial patch ready to fix their buggy games exactly. It's not like Bethesda releases many patches either so good luck hoping they'll fix it.
2. They don't care about Fallout
Lets be honest between Fallout and The Elder Scrolls which do you think is Bethesda's favorite child? Fallout to Bethesda was just a quick way to get a quick buck heck compared to what Microsoft payed for Minecraft Bethesda got the Fallout franchise at a low price compared to what it was actually worth. So now that they have the franchise why not milk it for all it's worth I mean who's gonna stop them for making a mediocre game from a beloved franchise? Now it's well known that Fallout 3 and Oblivion were made with the same engine so you'd think they would seem the same from a graphics stand point. Now while you're thinking that take a look at these screenshots then tell me which one you think Bethesda point more care into.
3. They need more money
So we get that Bethesda doesn't fix these games because modders will fix it for them "But hey at least mods are free!" Well see you'd be wrong there to. Now i'm making a prediction it's a wild one but still I think it has some truth for it. By the time we get Another Elder Scrolls game Bethesda will be make modding the equivalent to small DLC. Most people think it's impossible for a dev to keep from modding their game but that's where you'd be wrong. Take 2K's WWE games for example yeah you can download superstars and arena's etc but good luck adding a graphical improvement mod or a mod that makes wrestlers blow up. Developers can and some have kept people from adding mods to their games and with Bethesda's new Creation Club I think it's just a hint at what we will see from them in the near future.
Now I could be totally wrong and I've probably made a couple mistakes so please give your input on this subject or tell me to kill myself either way I'd like to keep this discussion going.
1. They're making they're buyers fix something they should be fixing
There's a common phrase that goes "If it ain't broke don't fix it." Normally this would mean if something has no problems why bother fixing them however Bethesda I believe take this and use it in there own way there way being "Hey why fix something when other people will fix it for us for free!" Name one Fallout game made by Bethesda that didn't have an unofficial patch ready to fix their buggy games exactly. It's not like Bethesda releases many patches either so good luck hoping they'll fix it.
2. They don't care about Fallout
Lets be honest between Fallout and The Elder Scrolls which do you think is Bethesda's favorite child? Fallout to Bethesda was just a quick way to get a quick buck heck compared to what Microsoft payed for Minecraft Bethesda got the Fallout franchise at a low price compared to what it was actually worth. So now that they have the franchise why not milk it for all it's worth I mean who's gonna stop them for making a mediocre game from a beloved franchise? Now it's well known that Fallout 3 and Oblivion were made with the same engine so you'd think they would seem the same from a graphics stand point. Now while you're thinking that take a look at these screenshots then tell me which one you think Bethesda point more care into.
3. They need more money
So we get that Bethesda doesn't fix these games because modders will fix it for them "But hey at least mods are free!" Well see you'd be wrong there to. Now i'm making a prediction it's a wild one but still I think it has some truth for it. By the time we get Another Elder Scrolls game Bethesda will be make modding the equivalent to small DLC. Most people think it's impossible for a dev to keep from modding their game but that's where you'd be wrong. Take 2K's WWE games for example yeah you can download superstars and arena's etc but good luck adding a graphical improvement mod or a mod that makes wrestlers blow up. Developers can and some have kept people from adding mods to their games and with Bethesda's new Creation Club I think it's just a hint at what we will see from them in the near future.
Now I could be totally wrong and I've probably made a couple mistakes so please give your input on this subject or tell me to kill myself either way I'd like to keep this discussion going.