True Story:
When I was a kid (around 12 years old), me and a cousin found some rusty old bicycle parts that were in an old warehourse in the property I used to live. My dad had cleaned the storehouse and threw those bicycle parts away.
I asked him if we (me and my cousin) could try and assemble a working bicycle out of them. He agreed and told us that we could use his old tools to assemble it and to ask him for parts if any were missing.
After we had placed some wheels, oiled the chain and mounted the seat, we were ready to try it out despite we had no brakes or tires (there were none in the parts we had available).
It run pretty good considering we couldn't really brake (so we could only ride slowly), we couldn't turn very well (if we tried, the metal wheel frames would skid on the pavement and we would end up falling on the ground) and once my cousin tried to do a wheelie and the front wheel detached from the bicycle and he crashed badly and hurt his arm. My dad came home from work later and gave us a lecture about safety and being responsible and not ride bicycles that do not have all the parts. He then decided that thing was too dangerous and took it to the scrapyard the same day.
I had many bicycles over the years and I don't remember any of them except for my first ever one and that old broken one. While it was a deathtrap it was really fun.
As bicycles go, I give it a 9/10 because it was a lot of fun

I think that if people use numerical rating systems, there is nothing stopping them from rating the fun in a numerical form too. If the game is really bad but it is fun to play, the reviewer can just assign all the low ratings to their specific parts and then have a fun factor rating that is high.
Otherwise there is no point in having a review of the game except for "Is it fun? Yes/No", because that is all that the final score means.
Now back on topic:
Fallout 2 is my favorite game, but I definitely see how others might not like it, it has quite a few flaws, problems and stupid stuff. I don't mind the stupid stuff, I complain about the flaws and problems, but in global it also has a lot of great things that compensate for the bad for me.
It is just like Graves said up there.