Fallout Nevada bugs and errors report

But when I go to the door, it is still locked, because it's clearly scripted to open when the robot is dead, but it seems like mine ends up in a kind of zombie state which makes the door to stay locked.

I'm pretty sure no doors are scripted to the robot's death. I've blown right through that section without even bothering to engage the robot.

I also tracked down the dialogue file. I was right, I'd missed an open bracket. It was a female-specific line, so it might have only crashed the game for female characters. I've attached the new file here, and it'll be included in the full New Reno list I send to Dionis when it's finally complete.


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Bad news.

To contact the bikers you are pursuing you have to use the terminal in New Reno's fallout shelter. Unfortunately the moment you use the terminal the game deletes the piece of paper with the codes you need to make contact. The dialogue option does not appear when operating the terminal and the item is deleted from your inventory forever. Is there a way to bypass this?

EDIT: Damnit, I'm using 1.0 version of the mod.
Snikers, you were right! The "ghosting" behind the door sprite got corrected by itself just by going away and getting closer again, so it wasn't causing any actual bug other than the visual one. Same thing with the robot doing the walking dead bug. No issue other than the visual.

Finally I realized I had not enough lockpick skill to unlock the door, so I just gave myself enough to get through with the save editor. Kinda lame to have to use a cheat if you happen to do the quest when the devs consider it "too early", since I had no warning and as far as I know there are no other ways to complete the quest, and you can't go back either because the turrets will kill you. At least in vanilla FO2 you could just spam the lockpick command untill you opened it after the thousand attempt, but ifI'm not mistaken, skills have a certain base cap in Nevada, which is good except that a situation like this can arise.
Finally I realized I had not enough lockpick skill to unlock the door, so I just gave myself enough to get through with the save editor. Kinda lame to have to use a cheat if you happen to do the quest when the devs consider it "too early", since I had no warning and as far as I know there are no other ways to complete the quest, and you can't go back either because the turrets will kill you. At least in vanilla FO2 you could just spam the lockpick command untill you opened it after the thousand attempt, but ifI'm not mistaken, skills have a certain base cap in Nevada, which is good except that a situation like this can arise.

My memory is failing me, but isn't there a keycard or something in the area you can use?
You're telling me that red reactor keycard I picked up just a few meters away was for that door? Man, I mean, it wasn't exactly obvious, but if that was it, my fallout is failing me hard. Thanks Snikers!
You're telling me that red reactor keycard I picked up just a few meters away was for that door? Man, I mean, it wasn't exactly obvious, but if that was it, my fallout is failing me hard. Thanks Snikers!

I honestly don't know. My memory of Hawthorne is very fuzzy. I just think it's unlikely that you'd need a high Lockpick skill to get through an essential quest.
Dionis, sorry to be such a pain in the ass, but the problems I've mentioned before are still here.
The computer controlling the robot in the Army base is still identified as a thug and the dialog is Get him! & It's the pigs!.
Larry Geller in New Vegas has its name translated but the dialog is still in Russian.
And yes, I've installed the game from your latest zip after deleting any trace of Fallout and Nevada from the computer. I've started a new game and headed straight for the Army base and New Vegas.
Dionis, sorry to be such a pain in the ass, but the problems I've mentioned before are still here.
The computer controlling the robot in the Army base is still identified as a thug and the dialog is Get him! & It's the pigs!.
Larry Geller in New Vegas has its name translated but the dialog is still in Russian.
And yes, I've installed the game from your latest zip after deleting any trace of Fallout and Nevada from the computer. I've started a new game and headed straight for the Army base and New Vegas.
Sorry I forgot about about the computer text being wrong, I'll put it on the error list right away, and Larry Geller was left by me on purpose... I simply wanted to upload the base game faster so everyone can play and his file is huge and will take some time.
You're not being any pain, on the contrary you're a huge help.
Translation is pretty good overall, I'm mostly never thinking about it and just enjoyng the ride. Only moment where dialog was downright criptic was in the beggining of Wind of War, specially IFRC when talking with the scouts that make you loose all chems and alcohol. That was so roughly translated it took me out of the game. Had to stop and really think what it meant, instead of reading it. But that's criticism just because I can, it's definitely not in the top list. Thanks again for the hard work.
During the movie screening in reno , one of the replies to the mormon guy is stil in rusian.Other two replies are translated normally.
Translation is pretty good overall, I'm mostly never thinking about it and just enjoyng the ride. Only moment where dialog was downright criptic was in the beggining of Wind of War, specially IFRC when talking with the scouts that make you loose all chems and alcohol. That was so roughly translated it took me out of the game. Had to stop and really think what it meant, instead of reading it. But that's criticism just because I can, it's definitely not in the top list. Thanks again for the hard work.
The editing team will look into it, once they finish Reno.
After applying the translation patch the inverntory sorter is fixed (it's in English now) but the part belonging to the NPC remains visible on screen after exiting the barter.

LE: found the fix: delete gl_invenfilter.int from data/scripts leaving only gl_invenfilter_se.int, glnpcslootcorpses.int and test0.int
Hmm after installing the latest version,whenever I get in barter window with an npc, his inventory fillter remains on screen even after closing the barter menu.Only way to get rid of it is to exit fallout nevada and restart, and if I barter again , same story.
After applying the translation patch the inverntory sorter is fixed (it's in English now) but the part belonging to the NPC remains visible on screen after exiting the barter.

LE: found the fix: delete gl_invenfilter.int from data/scripts leaving only gl_invenfilter_se.int, glnpcslootcorpses.int and test0.int
I will check out your fix, thank you alumoi
So after applying new patch(fresh install and everything) there is no yellow crosshair when using skills :sad: