So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

So, I was replaying Honest Hearts recently, and it got me thinking.
It's well established that the Dead Horses are descended from tourists who got stranded after the Great War.
Firstly, I guess this means that the National Quarantine of 2053 talked about in Fallout Bible 0 is no longer part of canon lore (Or it could have been but later revoked, but tbh with the pre-war world being a semi-covert dictatorship I don't see why they wouldn't use that as a way to keep people under control)
Secondly, this raises the question of what tourism was like in Pre-War america in the Fallout Universe.
I mean, would there be much of a tourist industry when there are resource wars going on everywhere, and lots of countries are stuck in some kind of ongoing war?
Also what would it be like for someone from outside the US to visit in the context of the Fallout Universe?, With all the propaganda they had, and the rampant jingoism, the public executions, the actively shooting up crowds of people to test Power Armour, I don't exactly imagine it would be particularly high on most people's lists of where they wanted to visit, nor do I imagine tourists would be treated especially well there.
So, how do you think Tourism worked in the pre-war US?
It's well established that the Dead Horses are descended from tourists who got stranded after the Great War.
Firstly, I guess this means that the National Quarantine of 2053 talked about in Fallout Bible 0 is no longer part of canon lore (Or it could have been but later revoked, but tbh with the pre-war world being a semi-covert dictatorship I don't see why they wouldn't use that as a way to keep people under control)
Secondly, this raises the question of what tourism was like in Pre-War america in the Fallout Universe.
I mean, would there be much of a tourist industry when there are resource wars going on everywhere, and lots of countries are stuck in some kind of ongoing war?
Also what would it be like for someone from outside the US to visit in the context of the Fallout Universe?, With all the propaganda they had, and the rampant jingoism, the public executions, the actively shooting up crowds of people to test Power Armour, I don't exactly imagine it would be particularly high on most people's lists of where they wanted to visit, nor do I imagine tourists would be treated especially well there.
So, how do you think Tourism worked in the pre-war US?