Fallout of Nevada - vault 8 question


First time out of the vault
I went through the hangar in Zone 51, it shows me that I found some info about Vault 8, yet I am stuck - i don't know where to go now to proceed with the main quest. Can somebody help? Thank you.
Then, have you returned the stolen device to Vault City yet?
wow, this must be it!
This quest is active.
However, I do not know what device it is?
I can talk to bikers at Battle Mountain, no hint from them.
Coul;d you tell me what device it is ?
Jay Kukish left it on the floor at his feet after his conversation with you. If you didn't pick it up on your way out then you have an inconvenient trip ahead of you. You may want to try returning to Vault City without it; maybe the appropriate flag has been set even if you didn't pick it up.
Jay Kukish left it on the floor at his feet after his conversation with you. If you didn't pick it up on your way out then you have an inconvenient trip ahead of you. You may want to try returning to Vault City without it; maybe the appropriate flag has been set even if you didn't pick it up.

Indeed! It was on the floor at the base.

thank you , Snikers!
Guys, could you tell me exactly how to meet this bloody Jay at Hawthorne? I have pretty much finished the whole game, I got Power armor but I can`t finish the main quest, as I haven`t seen any Jay at Hawthorne. How do I use this Signal Jammer exactly? Would you be able to show me some screen shot eventually? Thanks


I was told that I need to have some piece of paper from the very beginning of the game, when I am using New Reno bunker computer. But the problem is that I can`t find this piece of paper anywhere now...
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