Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

try to hit right shift to make a sneakpeak,maybe you've failed at pixelhunting :p . Otherwise something's wrong with your setup. Missing NPCs & missing items is something I'd consider, because nothing like that happens on my side. Perhaps You've stumbled on a leftover text flavour from FIXT about an UZI as FIXT used to have geuine 9mm ball SMG on second level of Vault 15 However later on it was cut out and only flavour text remained when picking up .223FMJ from the northern part of the map (behind elevator).
Hunting Rifle lays where it has always been. Leftmost room in the toilet room on level 2 V15. Along with two pieces of .223 FMJ 15x bullets each scaterred across the rest of the map. use the highlight function to reveal where everything's laying
this itself requires resolution far higher than 800x600. If I remember right it needs at minimum 1024x768 @Lexx please correct me if I'm wrong

It needs 890x720px resolution. So yes, 800x600px resolution is not enough. However, there should be a warning message popping up and telling you that if the resolution isn't high enough.

Guess in v1.1 I'll disable that mod as default. Bit of a shame, but oh well.
@Lexx Stupid thing is, i keep getting that annoying movie bug when i set it to dx9 fullscreen mode where every movie stretches out its pixels to the point where i cant see anything. How can I fix that....? If I set it 8bit fullscreen my cursor lags and freezes like hell. There is no way out for me... How do I fix that please...? I cant watch any movie in any dxx9 modes and in 8bit mode in the ddraw.ini my cursor has unbearable lag and freeze. Here it is http://prntscr.com/qz4ddq
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@Stavros_Koul >here< is a pre-release ddraw.dll file that you can check out. Keep in mind, though, this is generally untested and we don't know (yet) how stable this version is.
It needs 890x720px resolution. So yes, 800x600px resolution is not enough. However, there should be a warning message popping up and telling you that if the resolution isn't high enough.

Guess in v1.1 I'll disable that mod as default. Bit of a shame, but oh well.
I dont think you need to disable it. Players like to play in 800x600 such as myself should be rare enough the freeze shouldnt crop up often. Just add a warning text in readme1.1 should do the job.

About the warning message, it pop up in other areas (v15, cave) just fine but Shady Sands just freeze up.
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So you actually saw the warning message multiple times but still decided to ignore it? :-?

I really should have kept in the center screen red that pops up every few seconds... There is no point to run the Interface Upscalled mod if the screen resolution doesn't support it. In best case, the interface graphics are as pixelated as the vanilla graphics, in worst case the game will simply crash every time you see the town/world interface...

/Edit: With v1.1 the game will now close itself after the warning messages. Hope that is hint enough for something to be wrong.
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Make a copy of your ddraw.dll file, then put this file into the mod folder. If you get game crashes, etc (shouldn't happen), then just revert the .dll back to the old one.
I guess you will see with the intro videos if it's working or not.
In the ddraw.ini file, is it possible to insert an accuracy mod specifically for aimed torso shots? At line 389 onwards, I see all the mods for different body parts but there's no entry for aimed torso shots (only uncalled torso shots).
So this wierd thing happens if i try to talk to Aradesh, cant seem to find if someone else posted it (maybe searched for wrong terms). He also goes hostile.


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Needs a savegame and / or more information, otherwise this could be anything.
Needs a savegame and / or more information, otherwise this could be anything.

Got it, heres a savegame. Not much information can be given, just finished clearing the radscorpion cave, went into town with a weapon on getting some remarks. Trying to talk to Aradesh gives that thing about human armor and he turns hostile.


I assume you tried stealing form him and got caught? The message string is wrong (another Fixt bug), but that's the code that triggers. He should have started a dialog with you the first tim
Yes but not now, i did that before i went into the cave. He just says to not steal and you can still talk to him.
This happens after coming back from the cave, and after getting the quest.´
I got the quest after i tried to steal from him btw.
Apparently Fixt changed the "strikes" from 2 to 1, so after stealing from him once, he will be aggressive the next time you talk to him. I'll change it back to 2 strikes + on third time he will attack. Other than that the code looks fine to me... the voiced floating text feels odd, though. Guess I never tried stealing from Aradesh before.

tl;dr - you kinda fucked up. Luckily Aradesh isn't exactly important, so you're not missing out anything with not talking to him anymore.
Apparently Fixt changed the "strikes" from 2 to 1, so after stealing from him once, he will be aggressive the next time you talk to him. I'll change it back to 2 strikes + on third time he will attack. Other than that the code looks fine to me... the voiced floating text feels odd, though. Guess I never tried stealing from Aradesh before.

tl;dr - you kinda fucked up. Luckily Aradesh isn't exactly important, so you're not missing out anything with not talking to him anymore.

I'd think twice before making such a statement, as the guy asking help is before 'rescue tandi quest'

I mean sure you can get the quest from Seth, however it's aredash that gives you 500$ caps when you agree to help him, and deliver tandi back to Shady Sands, and talk to him agin. 500 caps is serious money at this game stage.

additionally found few bugs:
Armor Destroy mod sometimes doesn't work on Tolya the Raider (the one in a tent next to .44 Magnum FMJ leying on the ground) . after killing him he sometimes has the armor in inventory although i have armor destroy mod on all of my playthroughs in Fo et tu.

Neal after you return the stolen urn to him says "...You'll never pay for a drink in this bar agin...". He even floats enjoy after ending conversation. neigther does he give any beverage (no booze no beer, no nukacola increase in inventory), neigther his prices change after talking to him agin.

Hightower's strongbox after disabling the explosive using traps one additional time trigger's an explosion in which only player takes damage which is strange. since it should yeald something like no traps found or something.
however it's aredash that gives you 500$ caps when you agree to help him

Well then how about not pissing him off before. :>
Anyways, I already made it so that with the next update he will only be temporary angry.

Not sure what to do about Neal. Him giving out an endless stream of free alcohol is very questionable. I'm guessing this is more a kind of "abstract reward" ... you get free alcohol, just not, you know, items and stuff. It's a "roleplaying only"-kind of deal for cheap alcohol. The "good" alcohol is the one you can still buy from him / Trish.
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You do realise I'm not the guy whining about problems after stealing?
I'm just saying that after the point this guy is in game, aredash is still important to talk to.

Anyways, are you planning to look into the bugs i posted above?