Some information and suggestions about the new coronavirus


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
After reading some news about the situation of coronavirus in Europe and US, as a Chinese, I'm more and more worried, and I am afraid that some information you guys get from media is not true or not completed, so I would like to give you some correct information and suggestions.

1. The new virus is not very dangerous, only 20% will become serious and the rest can cure themselves, only weak people and old people need to worry. -- Very Misleading!!!

In fact, the virus is very dangerous, if one is infected and becomes serious, the lung will be permanently hurt and it's capacity will be less than 50% of the normal standard. And if one was not treated correctly when the symptoms were still not serious, there's a remarkable chance that he will become serious, and one is very likely to die if he becomes serious but still have not been cured in a hospital, even if he is young and healthy. For example, the famous young doctor Li, who warned people at the beginning but died, he was only 35.
(In China, we still DON'T KNOW how many people died in Wuhan city because of this virus, many of them died at home and are not calculated as victims.)

2. People don't need a mask and can even go to party freely, only need to wash hands. --WRONG!!!

The virus is so easy to spread that one can be infected in seconds when he faces a patient. And mask is always the most effective way to protect one from the new coronavirus, and people should always wear a mask when they go to a small room and face or talk to another people who is in less than 2 meters. So you can drive without a mask, you can go out for a walk without a mask, but you really DO need a mask when you are in a crowd or meet with strangers (for example, in a public elevator). And if possible, don't go to any party, and better don't travel. (especially when you will have Easters next month)

3. The virus will not be spread if the patient is not serious. -- WRONG!!!

Many patient spread the virus when they still feel well, they may thought it was only a flu or just caught a cold or even didn’t feel anything and had no symptoms, but other people can still be infected. So if one is found fever after he travelled or went to a party or meet with some people who just comes back from Italy or something like that, he should stop working at once and stay at home alone(this is important, if you don't want to do harm to your families), and people who has contacted him closely should be very careful as well.

I don't know you will listen to me or not, or maybe it's just too late, but I think I must say something to you. I don't believe any gods but I do believe one should do something to help others when he still can in a world-wide crisis like this.

I hope you and your families will all stay well.

Edit: It seems that situation is getting worse in Europe and US, so I would like to add some typical symptoms which may help you.

If one is infected by this virus, he is very likely to have some or all of these symptoms in 7-14 days.

1. Dry cough,
2. Fever over 37.3 degree,
3. Difficulties while breathing (very important!)
4. Feeling tired or powerless for no reason
5. Loss of taste (mostly reported from Japan)

May this of no use, and don't forgot the famous saying from Trump,

"That's a very good chance that you are not gonna die."

That is true, but still, keep safe distance from people.
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And here it already starts. The mask is useless as a protection. The mask is only useful in protecting others from you if you're infected. Unless you're running around with an ABC suit, there is hardly any reliable way you can protect your self by wearing one of those shitty face masks. I do not know how often doctors came out saying, they are useless in this situation. Hell, even surgeons wear those masks primarily not to protect them self but the patient their germs.

The only way to protect your self reliably from a crowd .. is not to be in the crowd. That mask will do absolutely nothing against Corona.
I don't want to argue with you, but please think this,

If a patient is infected by coronavirus, but he doesn't know or he doesn't have a mask, and for some reason you have to talk to him, or just meet him in an elevator accidentally, how can you protect yourself? What if he accidentally sneeze or cough just in 30cm from you? The answer is very obvious, you'd better wear a mask yourself.

I don't know why you guys hate mask so much, but in Korea, a mother with 2 kids accidentally met a patient of coronavirus in an elevator, she didn't wear a mask, but the kids did, the result is, she was infected, but both kids are safe. You can find more news about how mask works if you take some time to read news from Asia.

I understand why politicians keep saying "mask is useless", the reason is they know there are not enough masks for everyone, please, don't trust them, please trust your own wisdom and judgement.

This is all I want to say about mask, good luck to you.
It is not an "argument". Those masks are ineffective. Period. It's a virus and most of those mask protect you at the most against dust and maybe bacteria. The biggest issue is that those mask start to collect moist quickly due to the breathing. And that is a perfect surface for the virus to latch on if its in the air. You are not protecting your self here as long as you stand in a crowd. Besides, think about this, you go to a room full of people with your mask. Someone is infected without knowing it. He coughs in his hand. He touches a door to get out. Now you touch the same door. At home you remove your mask but you forgot to wash your hands. And you're potentially infected. Despite wearing the mask.

Not politicians say the mask is useless. Doctors say it. Real. Experts. The mask is not a hermetic seal. Jesus. Do people these days even know what a fucking Virus is?

First off, do masks work?

For most people, no.

“A mask that you buy in the pharmacy can never give total protection against a virus that is transmitted through the air,” said Eric Litvack, medical chief for preventive medicine and control in Montreal’s Public Health Department.

But they can help if they’re worn by people who are sick, because they act as a barrier to stop the tiny droplets that are expelled when they cough or sneeze, Litvack said.

In China, where thousands have been infected and may not be aware of it, masks could reduce the spread of the virus, he said. But the masks don’t give a hermetic seal, so very small drops suspended in the air can still get through.

Physicians do not recommend that the general population wear a mask, said Charles Frenette, medical director of infection control at the McGill University Health Centre, because once it’s been used by a sick person it is contaminated and should be discarded immediately. People who are unaware of this may touch the mask with their hands or leave it lying around.

Also, people don’t tend to practice proper etiquette while wearing a mask. For example, someone may still touch their mouth, risking infection.
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Masks can have two benefits: Limiting your own spreading of droplets, and keeping you from touching your mouth and nose. The latter isn't really working with non-full-face-masks, and the former is also limited.
Avoid large groups of people and wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.
With this Virus stuff going on all those people bitching about the environment must feel like really big Jerks right about now.
Masks can have two benefits: Limiting your own spreading of droplets, and keeping you from touching your mouth and nose. The latter isn't really working with non-full-face-masks, and the former is also limited.
Avoid large groups of people and wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.

I said, I don't want to argue with any of you, I'm just telling something I know but maybe you don't know. But please don't tell me that you KNOW MORE about coronavirus than a Chinese, we are surrounded by this virus in last few months but now we're well. And think about Italy. The main difference between China and Italy are only two points, first, we don't go out when unnecessary, second, we wear masks when we have to go out.

Let's think it this way, do you know Nadine Dorries of British has been infected by the coronavirus? Do you think she will not wash her hands frequently or she does't know the "important things to do", or she doesn't know "mask is useless"? Do you think she will often be in a crowd than a "normal" citizen? Why she was still infected? And her mother was infected, too, as they lived together. There is no crowd in a family and they must wash hands very frequently, eh? Why? Washing hands and avoid crowds are just NOT safe enough, trust me.

The coronavirus is spread just like flu, the virus is contained in air-borne droplets from a cough or sneeze. Those droplets fly in the air, and "hit" or attached the mask, but then you're safe, if you use a glove to remove the mask and throw both away properly, you are just safe.

I know not everybody will listen to me, in your culture, only sick people wear a mask, but why do the doctors and nurses often wear a mask? Are they always sick? No, they just want to protect themselves from the patients, and now as coronavirus is widely spread, there are patients everywhere, even they don't know by themselves, which means they WON'T wear masks. So the result is, when you are still healthy, better put on a mask when you go out.

PS; If you see Chinese wearing a mask in street, please understand they are only trying to protect themselves, like I do. Thank you.
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Now many high officers in Europe or US have been infected, I'm not surprised, nobody wear masks when they have a meeting or have a dinner together. But if you have watched TV news about Hong Kong or Hokkaido, you will see many Asian officers wearing masks when they have a meeting or talk to public, and they stay safe.

That's all I want to say.
Seriosly ... you do NOT(!) want to play the "which nation has better standards in hygiene" game mate ...
Seriosly ... you do NOT(!) want to play the "which nation has better standards in hygiene" game mate ...

No, and never. And honestly, I never wear a mask before this situation. So it has nothing to do with hygiene, it's only about how to face a dangerous virus. We're talking about a pestilence which you may only have one chance to face in your lifetime, not to discuss how to be clean or what is a good habit or anything like that.

I'm not going to persuade you, and I don't want to argue, if you can think about what I'm saying, even a little bit, I will be more than satisfied.
Be smart guys, this is not the time to lose our heads. When you're passing the bong around this weekend with your mates, make sure you follow it up with a shot of whiskey. Better yet, hold the hit in, then take the shot, then exhale. I don't know if it will kill any germs, but you'll thank me all the same.
Also, consider replacing your bongwater with some flavored Listerine?
Listen, we all have to make sacrifices, so absolutely no shotgunning of blunts until this is over OK?
Make sure when you are eating the local slut out that you lick her ass just to make sure you have maximum germ dispersal.
My colleague is under quarantine, waiting for his test results. His whole football team is under quarantine, two cases confirmed already.
I didn't have close contact to him, but the virus is getting closer.
My colleague is under quarantine, waiting for his test results. His whole football team is under quarantine, two cases confirmed already.
I didn't have close contact to him, but the virus is getting closer.
The closest patient in our city lives only 750m from me, but as every one stayed at home for almost a whole month, nothing worse happened to me. So no need to panic, just do the right things will be good.
Just stay at home for a month folks. Make sure when you sign for a package from the UPS that you wear gloves, a mask, a condom, and a flotation device, just to be safe.
My colleague is under quarantine, waiting for his test results. His whole football team is under quarantine, two cases confirmed already.
I didn't have close contact to him, but the virus is getting closer.
If he had a face mask this obviously would have never happend.