Launched and was horrified, for some reason they gave items at the start to the player pistols / stimulants.
Maybe play Fallout 1 for once. It's exactly the same there. In fact, I even *removed* stuff that had been added by Fixt. Whatever is still there is now behind an optional setting in the fo1_settings.ini file. If you don't like it, disable it.
interesting and there is a lot of such gag on added by Lexx?

Just read the Readme. (I'm assuming "gag" means feature here)
And AllowUnsafeScripting must be set to 2 - otherwise their hack bike can't work without it.
Wrong. It was necessary for some memzone writing/calling code. By now it's ~probably~ not necessary anymore, but not 100% sure right now.
There are many strange things in the changelogs, but nothing critical.
Would love to hear examples of "strange things". Generally I did not receive much feedback, so I never know what is "ok" and what is not, and just go by gut feeling. Unlike the Master's psykers, I can't read minds, so giving feedback is mission critical.
... their position is not clear: "we want the original, which will not repeat the original completely (we added a gag). And do not accept anyone's improvements, because we want to keep the original." those. contradicting ourselves.
I never stated that we will not accept anyone's improvements. The only thing I declined to add into the official build was to change the location circle sizes, because the circle size does not indicate the size of a location.
The tl;dr is: Big = important location, Medium = semi-important location with a quest or two, Small = Quest satellite location. This is how it's done in Fallout 2. The circle size has nothing to do with how many sub-maps or critters are placed in the location, or how big you feel said location is supposed to be.
As I understand it, there is no Russian assembly. If they did not correct the original text, then there will be no problems with the transfer of the Russian translation.
It's not possible to blindly copy&paste Fixt translation into this project. There are various small and some big changes here and there, that would result in game crashes. HOWEVER, most text can be taken over. It's just the few different lines that must be manually adapted.
The biggest change is related to the Swift Learner perk: In et tu, the bonus is correctly applied to *all* experience-messages ("You earn 100 experience." -> "You earn 105 experience." etc), even quest rewards. To make this work, I had to edit all such messages in the dialog files. It's tedious to fix, but not hard to do.
All new strings added by et tu have been marked with a # Fo1in2 tag. So just a global search for that will give you a list of all things I have added. I don't know how complete the last Fixt translations are, but it shouldn't be too hard to get this up speed.