First time out of the vault

Hi. I just recently took a glance at a Russian mod that was developed over 5 years ago, but for whatever reason the english version must have been canceled. I'm curious as to what happened.
Such a shame. Do you know who translated Fallout of Nevada? Maybe I could send it their way and see what their two cents are on it. As for me, I wish I could help, but I don't know Russian. It's a shame because the mod looks great.Everyone got tired and quit. You can still help with the translation if you can.
Sorry to bump this. It's just that it's been awhile since this thread has been updated(otherwise I would have edited the last post). That in mind, I managed to get in touch with the developers of Olympus 2207 via e-mail and their translater. He managed to give me the files of what he translated so far. Anyone know where on Github I can upload it to? I'm not familiar with that site. Thanks.Do these translation projects have some Github page or other database that people can use to contribute to?
Thanks. I'll do that when I get the chance. I hope the mod's creators don't mind so i'm going to put a disclaimer on how I obtained them. I'll let you know when i've uploaded them if your interested by any chance. It's OK if not.After you register on github, you create your own repo, and upload the files there.
(Also, you can check out my signature for various translation projects)
Hi could you do this but to English?Heh, I'm using yandex translator + deepl + google translator to translate it to polish, of course with corrections and etc.
With those programs I could try to translate it into Spanish? (google translator)Heh, I'm using yandex translator + deepl + google translator to translate it to polish, of course with corrections and etc.
Yep, all of them should translate from russian to spanish.With those programs I could try to translate it into Spanish? (google translator)
Just out of curiosity are you the guy I contacted back in April this you about posting on the translation? If so, it's good to see you on the forums. It's nice to see a new Russian modder on here.Unfortunately, english isn't my native language and it's not as good as should be to do this. I can translate files to english but without corrections, or I can show you how to do this.
Just out of curiosity are you the guy I contacted back in April this you about posting on the translation? If so, it's good to see you on the forums. It's nice to see a new Russian modder on here.
Thanks. I'll do that when I get the chance. I hope the mod's creators don't mind so i'm going to put a disclaimer on how I obtained them. I'll let you know when i've uploaded them if your interested by any chance. It's OK if not.
Update:I've uploaded the files. The Github page is here:
In all honesty I wouldn't be the one to ask since the translation files aren't mine. I really asked the developer if he could share the translation files by any chance for me to post here to ask if anyone would be interested in translating it(seeing how it looked like a promising mod) and he agreed. As for me I wish I could help, but i'm actually not known to speak Russian well. Sorry.Hi,
is it possible to use this translation in the game?
If yes, could you please tell to which location files must be putted?
I'd like to start this game even if translation is not perfect.