Ghouls not needing food was retconned in NV not 4


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
The Chinese prisoners in the Little Yangtze camp have been there with bomb collars attached for 200 years. There’s no food to be seen.
Why would ghouls never need food anyways? Seems like a good retcon to me for world building and immersion. Have them need far less, a normal meal every month or so, but not to where they need zero food. Would even be more interesting to see how that might fit into ghoul culture, the one meal a month, as opposed to never eating. I'd think it would of more significance to them.
The Chinese prisoners in the Little Yangtze camp have been there with bomb collars attached for 200 years. There’s no food to be seen.

Though it's a bullshit answer pulled straight from my ass - is it not possible that the automated systems of the Big MT kept them fed? All it would take would be a droid periodically appearing, it's not like they can leave the camp anyway even if the gate is open (bomb collars).
At least the Little Yangtze survivors went insane from isolation for 200 years. Unlike the boy in the fridge who is perfectly ok.
Do the Lobotomites eat?, I can't really see a group of brainless zombies being particularly good at procuring food.
The lobotomite population is replenished by unsuspecting adventurers brought into Big MT, and they can probably survive off cannibalism for a few months/years.

As for the ghouls, I always assumed it was automated systems feeding them, but you’d think these would run out after two centuries.

Technically there’s nothing in the original games that says ghouls have to eat, but they do need water. Not that I’m defending the retcon, just being pedantic.
With lobotomites I don't think it's just travelers - its probably a combination of scavenging (both food itself and biotic materials from the laboratories), automated feeding systems (must be a few cafeterias around Big MT), and the fact that Big MT has a semi-stable ecosystem.
The Chinese prisoners in the Little Yangtze camp have been there with bomb collars attached for 200 years. There’s no food to be seen.
It was retconned in Fallout 3 when a ghoul survived in a locked armory bunker for 200 years and the only thing he had for food was the bodies of the other people that lived with him.

There's also nothing saying that the ghouls in the prison camp weren't being fed. There's no ambiguity with the above ghoul and the Kid in the Fridge ghoul, these survived for literal centuries with no food or water.
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The Chinese prisoners in the Little Yangtze camp have been there with bomb collars attached for 200 years. There’s no food to be seen.
Cool, I don't consider Old World Blues canon though so idgaf. Also, Fallout 4 has plenty of moments where ghouls have survived locked away for 200+ years. The problem with Fallout 4 specifically was the ghoul kid in a fridge as it not only breaks the food consumption but also that he maintains his sanity after being locked away in a fridge for 2 centuries but that he can also walk just fine and has no social issues what so ever.
Pretty sure it's stated in Van Buren that they don't need to use bathrooms. I guess they can eat and drink but aren't required to.
Pretty sure it's stated in Van Buren that they don't need to use bathrooms. I guess they can eat and drink but aren't required to.
Was it? In any case, if that's so then the plot of Fo1 doesn't make sense since taking the water chip without repairing their water purification dooms Necropolis
Was it? In any case, if that's so then the plot of Fo1 doesn't make sense since taking the water chip without repairing their water purification dooms Necropolis

As far as I recall it wasn't consistent in the VB documents, product of them being early drafts so I'd take that with a grain of salt
Thing is, it's not like Fallout 4 devs looked at Old World Blues and decided to roll with Ghouls not needing food/water. I highly doubt Bethesda looks twice at New Vegas when making a new Fallout game. It's ridiculous in FO4 because not only does it "retcon" Ghouls needing food/water, it retcons it's own retcon again in the same game by making food/water a necessity for Ghouls in the settlement mode. They can't even be consistent amongst their own game.
At least the Little Yangtze survivors went insane from isolation for 200 years. Unlike the boy in the fridge who is perfectly ok.
I would be fine with ghouls not needing to drink water or eat food if they went insane after not doing either for so long. The whole Necropolis thing would still make sense because the ghouls wouldn't want to go insane because of a lack of water, and it would explain all the feral ghouls that survived for so long without sustenance.

The Kid in the Fridge pretty much throws this into the stratosphere and burns it into ashes by making it so the kid doesn't go insane for not eating and drinking for two whole centuries.
Cool, I don't consider Old World Blues canon though so idgaf.
what the... besides you gave enough of a fuck to post about it. just pointing that out.

What grinds my gears is how Ghouls went from a bunch of grungy, crippled emaciated stick men to a bunch of a Chunky Boys who can level full Suit of Power Armor with punches. Fucking Ghouls should shatter into a thousand and one pieces for punching a suit of power armor and it should take them 3 minutes to hobble across the room to do it.
Was it? In any case, if that's so then the plot of Fo1 doesn't make sense since taking the water chip without repairing their water purification dooms Necropolis

Yeah, it was mentioned in the Reservation doc. Although the designer did left a remark how he's unsure. Some of the VB designers made other mistakes as well, such as referring to Harold as a ghoul while he's a FEV mutant in reality.

Lobotomites aren't ghouls, are they?

No, they're humans. Originally they were intended to be part of the Master's Army remnants abducting humans and performing experiments but then were retconned in FNV.