What Would be some lore surrounding the balkan region prewar and post war?

what happened,who did it,with who,where,when and why are going to be the questions and now i await answers

You've got right questions in the wrong place, the ambiguity of it all is part of the charm. Some questions should remain unanswered to make you hooked in, if intrigue is ruined, why bother at this point. And besides it, doesn't matter anymore who started nuking the Old world is blown into Stone age.
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you are right but i would atleast like to see some lore of the balkans in the fallout universe,since the fallout universe is centered around burgers and bugmen there presumably isnt much lore of europe even much less a specific region of it,so to circle back i want any answers i can get from lore
"What Would be some lore surrounding the balkan region prewar and post war?"

Like many irrelevant regions, it likely got vacuumed up into some alliance or greater bloc that meant by 2077 it was nuclear waste.

If you like to think the USSR absorbed it in this timeline, it would have been more friendly to the USA than the CCP, but still.
I'd say Eastern Balkan states get absorbed by Russia, Southern by Turkey and Western/Northern split between Italy/Austria/Hungary. Just like in the old days :)
the lore doesnt really venture outside of the USA, so only todd would know
We know the European Commonwealth took on the Middle-East Coalition until the oil fields ran dry. Then the EC breaks apart and fight with each other until the bombs dropped. highly likely blowing themselves up in the process.
I'd Imagine that once resources started getting scarce the Balkan nations became the forerunners of what would happen later to the European Commonwealth, i.e. Nationalism spreads and the infighting begins.
Maybe with internal ethnic and religious conflicts as well, culminating with civile war and then a Total breakdown of society.
Going with the alternate history theme, they should have not broken up.

Tito is still alive and harvest the organs of bosnians and croats, nerve Serbs though, to hold the region together. Much like N Korea now, they are under strict lock down, can't leave, know nothing true about the outside world, other than that the dirty capitalists lost. Surprisingly they survived without any fallout, but became their own wasteland due to 200 years of being cut off from the world. Think Cuba if communism lasted 4 times as long.