Vault Senior Citizen

I was thinking about this the other day. According to Fallout 2, Darion was the only member of the Khans to survive the Vault Dweller’s genocide. Making Darion the only member of the New Khans that was born and raised a Khan. Every other member of the New Khans is just some unscrupulous character that Darion convinced to join his gang. I seem to remember it being canon that the Chosen One kills Darion, destroying the New Khans as an organization. Are we to assume that the Great Khans are directly descended from these New Khans? While the original Khans seemed like a close-knit tribe with their own cultural identity, the New Khans don’t seem to be much more than another raider gang. I kind of doubt they would care to carry on the Khan name if they managed to escape the Chosen One or NCR. It occurred to me that perhaps the Great Khans were started by a bunch of wasteland punks and outcasts that learned about the Khans and wanted to emulate them. Anyone else have thoughts on this?