Are the Great Khans actually descended from the original Khans (or New Khans)?


Vault Senior Citizen
I was thinking about this the other day. According to Fallout 2, Darion was the only member of the Khans to survive the Vault Dweller’s genocide. Making Darion the only member of the New Khans that was born and raised a Khan. Every other member of the New Khans is just some unscrupulous character that Darion convinced to join his gang. I seem to remember it being canon that the Chosen One kills Darion, destroying the New Khans as an organization. Are we to assume that the Great Khans are directly descended from these New Khans? While the original Khans seemed like a close-knit tribe with their own cultural identity, the New Khans don’t seem to be much more than another raider gang. I kind of doubt they would care to carry on the Khan name if they managed to escape the Chosen One or NCR. It occurred to me that perhaps the Great Khans were started by a bunch of wasteland punks and outcasts that learned about the Khans and wanted to emulate them. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
I was thinking about this the other day. According to Fallout 2, Darion was the only member of the Khans to survive the Vault Dweller’s genocide. Making Darion the only member of the New Khans that was born and raised a Khan. Every other member of the New Khans is just some unscrupulous character that Darion convinced to join his gang. I seem to remember it being canon that the Chosen One kills Darion, destroying the New Khans as an organization. Are we to assume that the Great Khans are directly descended from these New Khans? While the original Khans seemed like a close-knit tribe with their own cultural identity, the New Khans don’t seem to be much more than another raider gang. I kind of doubt they would care to carry on the Khan name if they managed to escape the Chosen One or NCR. It occurred to me that perhaps the Great Khans were started by a bunch of wasteland punks and outcasts that learned about the Khans and wanted to emulate them. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

Papa Khan was one of the Khans who weren't present when Darion's Khans were crushed. He and the new Khan remnants reorganized and later formed the Great Khans. So yes, same lineage.
Oh, I didn’t realize that. Does Papa Khan say this ingame? It says he was “a disciple of Darion” on the wiki, but I don’t remember any dialogue referencing this.
Oh, I didn’t realize that. Does Papa Khan say this ingame? It says he was “a disciple of Darion” on the wiki, but I don’t remember any dialogue referencing this.
Beware the wiki. Specially if it doesn't have any credible references for what they say.

I don't know about Papa Khan. I can't remember much from the NV Great Khans anymore.
It is most likely that Obsidian downplayed the lone survivor part with Darion and went straight to a follow up of Fallout 1 khans.
They didn't went into details about the continuity of the clan since Fo1.
In any case, there was an ellipse of 80 years between Fo1 and Fo2 and Darion «dialog» is pretty short, so we don't have much intel about how much time it took him to recruit another crew, how much he teached them and how many members he recruited (assuming he got other crew members outside vault 15 at the time the chosen one visited his lair)

Beside, if Darion is assumed to be killed by the chosen one, considering there isn't much other possible interactions with him, most of his gang can be avoided, if they are lured to believe the chosen one is one of them.
You know, I just remember that being a thing. After having looked for this info for a bit, I can't find an example of Papa Khan explaining this.
It could be a wiki fabrication.
My understanding was that Darion was the sole survivor of the original Khans, and spent the 80 years between Fallout and Fallout 2 rebuilding his tribe with new members. I imagine this 80 year period is the originating body of "Khan Culture". When the Chosen One turns up (all out of bubblegum), there's an unseen band of the New Khans that weren't present at Vault 15. Presumably scouting, raiding or at a secondary camp. Eventually, 25 years later, this secondary band of surviving New Khans moves to the Mojave and experiences a zenith of power and influence before being cracked down by NCR.

So the Great Khans have a direct ancestry that goes back roughly 120 years, starting with Darion. Technically goes back further than that if you assume Darion preserved the original Khan traditions.
Wait a minute, Darion is supposed to be over 80 years old? I knew he was old but I didn’t think he was THAT old.

On a a somewhat unrelated note, it’s a shame you don’t get the option to work with Darion. I guess he can tell you’re the Vault Dweller’s grandchild just by looking at you.
Wait a minute, Darion is supposed to be over 80 years old? I knew he was old but I didn’t think he was THAT old.

On a a somewhat unrelated note, it’s a shame you don’t get the option to work with Darion. I guess he can tell you’re the Vault Dweller’s grandchild just by looking at you.

Yeah same as Tandi he's an old-timer, except probably pumped up on all kinds of Buffout and shit
i think it might just be another case of nv downplaying/ignoring alot of what happened in fallout 2 besides the ncr and the enclave.