Atomic Postman
Vault Archives Overseer
Heyo. Lots of threads on here on how people would rewrite Fallout 3 or Fallout 4, but not much on NV! Understandably obviously, but I feel it's a common sentiment that Vegas was underbaked in several areas, so I thought it'd be neat to spitball some ideas for tweaks,rewrites or developments to New Vegas. Feel free to contribute, obviously.
Caesar's Legion:
Effectively, I'd do exactly what this user said in 2011:
With that in mind, here are further tweaks: The "Priests" mentioned are predominantly women. Women are not viewed as inferior or second class citizens, but rather "different" by nature, all must commit themselves to serving Caesar, men are best suited to giving their lives in war, and women are more suited to producing strong warriors, raising them in our ways and healing them when they are sick.
Legion Locations:
Willow: A non-Legion town east of the Colorado. Well, as in non millitary. A large agricultural farming town reminiscient of a wealthier Shady Sands. The people and the town are a recent addition to the Colorado River, as the entire place was constructed with the purpose of providing food to support the Legion in the last few years. The farmers and townsfolk are actually from a place further east in Arizona, until the Legion swooped in, told them to move and packed up their town so they could come settle and serve the Legion here. In compensation they were provided housing and financial compensation for their harvest. They're basically left to their own devices outside of the occasional patrol arriving to collect crops, and the exception that chems are banned and the sale of alcohol severely restricted.
Talking to NPCs in Willow about what Arizona is or was like reveals the savagery of pre-Legion Arizona.
Petty feudal warlords, constant tribal conflict, chem-cartels and serious droughts/famines. Picture the most unstable areas and periods of contemporary African history with a Mad Max flair. One NPC may even tell an emotive story about living under the thumb of tribal raiders that would make the Fiends blush, watching her parents raped and mutilated in front of her eyes. When the Legion came, her town supported them in their campaign to crush and assimilate the tribe almost unconditionally. Their issues of famine and drought were alleviated as the Legion directed controlled supply lines to the frontline. In helping the Legion, they became safe and satiated. Where before, it seemed Arizona was only going to degenerate and become more primitive with time, many non-Legion areas of Arizona are now actually prospering and building towards something, rather than whittling away and trying to simply delay the inevitable.
This would I feel whilst not entirely justifying the Legion, would show the context to which they were a stabilizing force in the East. It would raise questions as to while the Legion may have been neccessary in Arizona, does the Mojave and California require this kind of regime? What happened to the towns that suffered from famine/drought that weren't on the frontline, were they forgotten? Did the Legion support them?
There would be a trading post in the town, ran by a trading company out of eastern Arizona. They'd be one of the wealthiest merchants in the game in terms of stock. The primary merchant would comment to the player about being excited to settle grounds out west.
Elephant Hill: A former Mojave tribe, its name forbidden, now a Legion indoctrination camp. Here we see and learn the process of assimilation. The priestesses teaching and raising the children, the breaking down of their culture and the screening of prime Legion material. Here we'd learn how the Legion claims a tribe in brutal detail.
Mr. House:
There's honestly not a lot I'd alter about Mr. House (for instance, I wouldn't change his unrelenting position on the BoS), but I would just add more content to his storyline between what already currently exists.
The House Always Wins IV: I'd simply add Beyond The Beef as a mandatory House quest, with him requesting you settle a minor squabble with some embarassingly drama scene creating Brahmin Baron in the Ultra Luxe which has been pesteringly reported repeatedly by Ultra Luxe staff. You'd still have the element of House being blindsided by the cannibalism, and the ability to handle their contract breakage "as you see fit".
The House Always Wins VI: A subplot where Mr. House attempts to broker a deal or working relationship with Van Graffs and Crimson Caravan. Citing forecasted fears of potential economic combat with NCR, House wants even more cards up his sleeve. As a sign of good faith, both want help strengthening their position in the Mojave.
With the Van Graffs, their cutthroat approach to business and mutual animosity (but ultimate economic reliance) towards NCR makes them natural bedfellows, I feel. House would aim to secure them as a California trade partner absolutely independent of NCR, in return offering beneficial contract/free trade in the Vegas market and effectively being groomed as a "Fourth" family in the very long-term. The current generations of Van Graffs are stubbornly independent, but further down the line with a reliance on House, they'll come into the fold.
Similarly, Crimson Caravan chafes under NCR taxation and regulation, their desperation to branch out to unregulated places like Vegas and New Canaan shows that clear as day. With the right stimulation their interests could be wedged against NCR proper, further aligning them with profit rather than with country, and when it comes to profit Vegas will always come out as the strongest player.
For Crimson Caravan this would effectively manifest as completing You Can Depend On Me coming into it with the premise of cutting a deal between House and McLafferty (with the Gun Runner espionage as mandatory in this version)
For the Van Graffs, it would either be completion of Birds of a Feather and agreement to trade with House instead of the NCR, or it would be using Speech/Barter to get "real work" which would involve raiding/wiping out a Gun Runners caravan in order to secure a prototype ("unique") weapon+blueprints being shipped in from California. Then also assassinating a member of the New Reno Wright family who is in New Vegas out of pleasure and also business, in trading gold stolen from Redding to exchange with the Gun Runners to help the Wrights push the Van Graffs out of Reno. Assassinating the Wright and securing the stolen gold buried elsewhere would act as an alternative to Birds of a Feather.
Completion of Heartaches by the Number (either route) or aggroing either group causes this quest to fail and House to be outraged, implying he will dock your salary in future if this comes to bite Vegas in the ass.
Caesar's Legion:
Effectively, I'd do exactly what this user said in 2011:
With that in mind, here are further tweaks: The "Priests" mentioned are predominantly women. Women are not viewed as inferior or second class citizens, but rather "different" by nature, all must commit themselves to serving Caesar, men are best suited to giving their lives in war, and women are more suited to producing strong warriors, raising them in our ways and healing them when they are sick.
Legion Locations:
Willow: A non-Legion town east of the Colorado. Well, as in non millitary. A large agricultural farming town reminiscient of a wealthier Shady Sands. The people and the town are a recent addition to the Colorado River, as the entire place was constructed with the purpose of providing food to support the Legion in the last few years. The farmers and townsfolk are actually from a place further east in Arizona, until the Legion swooped in, told them to move and packed up their town so they could come settle and serve the Legion here. In compensation they were provided housing and financial compensation for their harvest. They're basically left to their own devices outside of the occasional patrol arriving to collect crops, and the exception that chems are banned and the sale of alcohol severely restricted.
Talking to NPCs in Willow about what Arizona is or was like reveals the savagery of pre-Legion Arizona.
Petty feudal warlords, constant tribal conflict, chem-cartels and serious droughts/famines. Picture the most unstable areas and periods of contemporary African history with a Mad Max flair. One NPC may even tell an emotive story about living under the thumb of tribal raiders that would make the Fiends blush, watching her parents raped and mutilated in front of her eyes. When the Legion came, her town supported them in their campaign to crush and assimilate the tribe almost unconditionally. Their issues of famine and drought were alleviated as the Legion directed controlled supply lines to the frontline. In helping the Legion, they became safe and satiated. Where before, it seemed Arizona was only going to degenerate and become more primitive with time, many non-Legion areas of Arizona are now actually prospering and building towards something, rather than whittling away and trying to simply delay the inevitable.
This would I feel whilst not entirely justifying the Legion, would show the context to which they were a stabilizing force in the East. It would raise questions as to while the Legion may have been neccessary in Arizona, does the Mojave and California require this kind of regime? What happened to the towns that suffered from famine/drought that weren't on the frontline, were they forgotten? Did the Legion support them?
There would be a trading post in the town, ran by a trading company out of eastern Arizona. They'd be one of the wealthiest merchants in the game in terms of stock. The primary merchant would comment to the player about being excited to settle grounds out west.
Elephant Hill: A former Mojave tribe, its name forbidden, now a Legion indoctrination camp. Here we see and learn the process of assimilation. The priestesses teaching and raising the children, the breaking down of their culture and the screening of prime Legion material. Here we'd learn how the Legion claims a tribe in brutal detail.
Mr. House:
There's honestly not a lot I'd alter about Mr. House (for instance, I wouldn't change his unrelenting position on the BoS), but I would just add more content to his storyline between what already currently exists.
The House Always Wins IV: I'd simply add Beyond The Beef as a mandatory House quest, with him requesting you settle a minor squabble with some embarassingly drama scene creating Brahmin Baron in the Ultra Luxe which has been pesteringly reported repeatedly by Ultra Luxe staff. You'd still have the element of House being blindsided by the cannibalism, and the ability to handle their contract breakage "as you see fit".
The House Always Wins VI: A subplot where Mr. House attempts to broker a deal or working relationship with Van Graffs and Crimson Caravan. Citing forecasted fears of potential economic combat with NCR, House wants even more cards up his sleeve. As a sign of good faith, both want help strengthening their position in the Mojave.
With the Van Graffs, their cutthroat approach to business and mutual animosity (but ultimate economic reliance) towards NCR makes them natural bedfellows, I feel. House would aim to secure them as a California trade partner absolutely independent of NCR, in return offering beneficial contract/free trade in the Vegas market and effectively being groomed as a "Fourth" family in the very long-term. The current generations of Van Graffs are stubbornly independent, but further down the line with a reliance on House, they'll come into the fold.
Similarly, Crimson Caravan chafes under NCR taxation and regulation, their desperation to branch out to unregulated places like Vegas and New Canaan shows that clear as day. With the right stimulation their interests could be wedged against NCR proper, further aligning them with profit rather than with country, and when it comes to profit Vegas will always come out as the strongest player.
For Crimson Caravan this would effectively manifest as completing You Can Depend On Me coming into it with the premise of cutting a deal between House and McLafferty (with the Gun Runner espionage as mandatory in this version)
For the Van Graffs, it would either be completion of Birds of a Feather and agreement to trade with House instead of the NCR, or it would be using Speech/Barter to get "real work" which would involve raiding/wiping out a Gun Runners caravan in order to secure a prototype ("unique") weapon+blueprints being shipped in from California. Then also assassinating a member of the New Reno Wright family who is in New Vegas out of pleasure and also business, in trading gold stolen from Redding to exchange with the Gun Runners to help the Wrights push the Van Graffs out of Reno. Assassinating the Wright and securing the stolen gold buried elsewhere would act as an alternative to Birds of a Feather.
Completion of Heartaches by the Number (either route) or aggroing either group causes this quest to fail and House to be outraged, implying he will dock your salary in future if this comes to bite Vegas in the ass.