First time out of the vault

Does vanilla Fo2 start? Also what about other mods like the RP, etc?
Vanilla fallout is perfectly working, rp also goes perfectly, megamod is buggy And fixt works good.
Does vanilla Fo2 start? Also what about other mods like the RP, etc?
You didn't use (or keep) the Fallout palette when saving the image, so loading it in Frame Animator will result in white color for the transparent area.This is the only thing I need, so it is not necessary for me to read any lengthy texts or download and learn how to handle new programs.
If anyone could convert this image to FRM with a transparent layer, they would have my infinite gratitude...
Here are the png and frm.
Could be issues with either the font files, or the text file for the translation is not in the correct format (in english / german it must be ANSI)?
Did you try the .msg file from the RPU? Should work there, I guess. https://github.com/BGforgeNet/Fallo...blob/master/data/text/czech/game/inventry.msg
He can. Maybe you gave him a weapon that has better stats?
Nah, I replaced it with the standard rifle some time ago, because the HPFA felt a bit too much.and possibly the best option Advanced Assault Rifle HPFA, which very rarely spawns in Glow lvl 4 wall lockers in place of the standard one
(Ext Mag), Advanced Assault Rifle, and possibly the best option Advanced Assault Rifle HPFA
What? Are those vanilla or part of the mod?