The Fallout game of your dreams


Still Mildly Glowing
Here and there I've found many people on this forum (me included) who tried to imaginer their own Fallout game. But has anyone ever thought about creating an entirely new post-apocalyptic IP?
The thread title and question are a little contradictory.

I'm not in any creative field but my Stars Without Numbers tabletop setting is very Fallout inspired.
If I'm being honest, a the Fallout game if my dreams would be the setting of Fallout 76 (maybe not in 2103) done as a single player role playing game, preferably by the people who made FNV/OG Fallouts.
The fallout game of my dream would be New Vegas, but the disc gives me a blowjob every once in a while.

But on a serious note, honestly I'll take something which you to almost create your own faction, unite different settlements and smaller factions together to make something akin to the NCR.

It would have a mixture of gameplay from the original games and the 3D games.
Like the World Map is like 1&2, but you get smaller areas akin to 3&4&NV.
Maybe give the World Map something that would indicate how big your faction is and how big your "army" is.

If there's something I liked a lot about Fallout 4 was that the settlement system is a skeleton of a good idea. I can imagine they are planning something like that with the next Elder Scrolls as playing that crappy mobile spin off has you created a small Town which acts as a kind of base hub.

I wouldn't mind seeing this come into play with a Fallout 5. But you're able to set jobs for People like look for items that can be useful and crafting items.

I think this kind of idea would be suited for something that isn't Fallout however.
I can also imagine the game having RTS elements where you're able to send troops to enemy factions and destroy their shit.

A lot of me thinks this could work better in something like Elder Scrolls VI however
My dream would be to take New Vegas's systems and nonlinearity and go further. New Vegas scratched the surface of a potentially even better game. Fallout 4 tripped over itself when trying, and Outer Worlds(I know it's not Fallout but just go with it) was just too thin due to the nature of its development. At least efforts are being made.
But has anyone ever thought about creating an entirely new post-apocalyptic IP?
I am doing it... For years now, since I rarely have the time to work on it.
It's a Pen & Paper (Tabletop if you prefer) system and it's an entirely new Post-Apoc IP.

It's an alternate history Earth (because that makes it easier to deal with). But it's a universe where all kinds of technology and sciences existed side by side. This means that you could find hover cars, "regular" cars and even advanced steam cars all in use at the same time. You can have giant Mechwarrior-type "vehicles" and giant Voltron-type "vehicles", etc.

It's also a blatant mishmash of many existing sci-fi IPs technology without the actual "universe" from those IPs. What this means is that you can find stuff like Lightsabers in there, but the "Force", the Empire, etc. doesn't really exist in my universe. You can find Phasers, but the Federation, Klingons, Vulcans, etc. also doesn't really exist. I even use some stuff from Jules Verne's works in there too.

I'm also making it so people can easily use it to play Fallout/Wasteland and maybe other Pos-Apoc universes (maybe ATOM RPG, Underrail, etc.).

This all sounds way more impressive than it actually is...
The fallout game of my dreams would keep the gameplay of 1/2 but greatly expand the amount of actions you could take in combat. Whack someone with the butt of your gun, quick fire from the hip, stomp downed enemies in the face, that sort of thing. Additionally, it would be cool if your actions (and those of the enemy) played out up close and with gruesome detail. Kind of like the cinematic aspect of VATS, but not so boring and repetitive. More unique animations and stuff.

Also, I’d love it if dialogue was expanded. The dialogue options in the originals are sometimes sparse and lackluster. Ideally, for every conversation you’d have 5 or 6 (more or less, depending on what’s feasible) potential responses, each tailored to a different kind of personality type.

I’d like to bring back the world map too, and have it require food and water in order to travel on it.

As far as an original IP goes, I have lots of ideas, and one of them is particularly fallout-inspired. It’s setting is pretty similar to cyberpunk 2077 (though I had this idea long before I knew about the cyberpunk IP) in that it would take place in a giant city surrounded by post-apocalyptic desert. In much the same way fallout is based on the world of the 1950s, this IP is based on the world of the 1970s. Heavy influence from exploitation films of the 70s and 80s, stuff like Dirty Harry, Taxi Driver and Death Wish, mixed with the dystopian/sci-fi of movies like Mad Max, Robocop, and Escape from New York. Anyway, this city would be controlled by 2 major factions: the evil corporation that founded the city and has a monopoly on pretty much every legal product, and the overzealous police force that tries its best to establish order. Beyond these two factions, the rest of the city is run by various crime families and gangs. It would kind of be like a three-way power struggle to control the city. Anyway, I have more but this post has gone on long enough.
I wake up a nobody, no call to action, no special mission. Just a scrounger who needs food, water, and shelter. It plays like the Long Dark and the goal is to live as long as possible, with some possible resolutions once achieved means you will be able to live indefinitely.

Guns and bullets are scarce. Most enemies attack with melee, and the man with the gun is king. To bad he's got 1 spare clip at most at any given time, so no one sits on the throne long.

Better find shelter at night because hordes and raiding parties will run right over you. Maybe if you find a perch, favorable terrain, or some mostly intact building you can hide or defend yourself.

The world is pretty unknown and poised for rebuilding. Isolated pockets of decent sized groups manage to survive like lanterns in large swaths of black apocalyptic wastelands. Maybe the world could be better if paths could be forged between these havens and old skills, knowledge, technology could be brought back from the black wastes.

I'd like to see the world get better, cleaner, new construction, with new materials and growing, better outfitted populations if I choose to focus on helping these places. I would love to search for books, blue prints, video and instructional archives, or really strive to set up and protect caravans.

Or maybe I suck screw it and go on a long road trip off the map.