Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

Do you play with english or some localized text files? Apparently the error has something to do with text strings, but the english files are all validated.
Do you play with english or some localized text files? Apparently the error has something to do with text strings, but the english files are all validated.

Hmm, that's a good point.
I use a Czech translation that I modified for et tu.
(During the week, I should be able to send complete and tested texts for version 1.6.)
For whatever reason, I'm experience a crash during battles. Doesn't happen right away. Rather, it happens at random during battles. Any reason what might caused it?
I have a high unarmed/small gun skill but I mostly use my gun

I also had similar problems since the original Fallout 1.

It only happened if I used unarmed combat, or if someone used it on me.
It didn't happen every time. I would say that the chance of crash during battles was about 15%
We need at least the crash message, best with a description of what happened where, otherwise there is really nothing we can do. Well, at least I personally am not in possession of a magic 8-ball for crash bugs.
We need at least the crash message, best with a description of what happened where, otherwise there is really nothing we can do.
I was meaning to ask, Where would I exactly extract the SacnMsg files? Just in the Fallout1in2 Directory?
We need at least the crash message, best with a description of what happened where, otherwise there is really nothing we can do. Well, at least I personally am not in possession of a magic 8-ball for crash bugs.

For me, it's always the same problem as when fighting Garl.


  • email.seznam.cz.jpg
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Well, if it's cz files, then there might be another issue with the text strings in the localization.

ScanMsg is just dropped into the dialog folder and then started.
Well, if it's cz files, then there might be another issue with the text strings in the localization.

ScanMsg is just dropped into the dialog folder and then started.

You strongly overestimate my technical skills :mrgreen:
ScanMsg just trying start Visual studio, which I don't have and even if I did, I don't know how to use it.
The dialog folder is located inside the master.dat file.

e.g. \Extracted_master.dat\text\english\dialog

You can extract the master.dat with the application DAT Explorer 2 from Mr. Stalin.
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The dialog folder is located inside the master.dat file.

e.g. \Extracted_master.dat\text\english\dialog

You can extract the master.dat with the application DAT Explorer 2 from Mr. Stalin.
This is NOT Vanilla Fallout, he does not need to extract anything at all!

@Nohj Eod
The english files for Et Tu are in /MODS/fo1_base/text/dialog, the german ones are respective in /MODS/fo1_german/text/dialog, etc.
So just go in the language folder you are using and put it there and check the files.
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Hey there. Sorry for interrupting, but I have a problem with the SteamDetour. Its not opening the game and instead giving a error, saying that it cannot the path specified.

I do as is told, extract, open the Steam and go to Fallout 1 (instead of 2) to put the command, in this case "C:\Full\\Path\To\SteamDetour.exe" "C:\Full\Path\To\Mod\With\Fallout2.exe" %command%. But even then it still gives the error.

The only thing that I could say is causing this is the fact that I installed Fallout 2 (and Et Tu) in the D; not in C; Could this be why this is happening?
Just in case... you did change the path to where your actual files are, right?
You strongly overestimate my technical skills :mrgreen:
ScanMsg just trying start Visual studio, which I don't have and even if I did, I don't know how to use it.

Perhaps you should update microsoft VC++ libraries in your system sfall requres at least 2015 (should be both x86 *and* x64 if You're running n 64bit, i recommend "VC++ all in one" from techpowerup (it's free). this should help.
Having no Visual Studio does not releave You from having M$ libraries to run programs made in Visual Studio. in fact, they are mostly required for anything that runs on windows and requres DirectX.. it goes together just as Sh!t and WC.