My Personal thoughts on Fallout the Frontier


First time out of the vault
So I finished playing Fallout the Frontier NCR Campaign and I was amazed how similair it was to Fallout 3. Fallout 3 was the only other Fallout game with so much scripted content. The game is broken and just straight up plagiarizes other games. One line I remmember was "I will use the force," while the other was: "Why are we still here? just to suffer?"

The other questlines in Fallout 3 are the same just without vehicles and cutscenes. The Legion was just ruined to not resemble the Legion at all. The Brotherhood of Steel got turned into a goody two shoes faction, similar to Bethesda's Brotherhood of Steel. But the thing that pissed me off the most is that the sidequests were in no way connected to the main questline. Just like in Fallout 3. The game feels like a retelling of Fallout 3. I feel like as if the Brotherhood of Steel was replaced by the NCR and the Enclave by the Legion. While Rancor looks like Kellog in shades as well as resembles Wesker and Mr. Smith with Benny-like motivations. A fruit salad of a character. The endings are unstatisfying for all factions. It also feels disjointed, because is happens before the battle of Hoover Dam, yet major events are not at all modded into the vanilla games.

Personally, this mod should have been a mod for Fallout 3 instead. A bad mod for a bad game. Theses two fit will with one another.
The game is broken and just straight up plagiarizes other games. One line I remmember was "I will use the force," while the other was: "Why are we still here? just to suffer?"
I think it's much less plagiarism and more "let's take these famous lines from other media and put in our game as references" because they think it will make their mod cooler. Which to be fair, Fallout 2 is kind of guilty of this, but the difference there is that Fallout 2 is actually, you know, good, despite its several issues.

Personally, this mod should have been a mod for Fallout 3 instead. A bad mod for a bad game. Theses two fit will with one another.
Ironically enough, the project leader apparently hates New Vegas and claims it's a "genuinely shit game" while saying Fallout 3 is great. He only used New Vegas because its engine is more advanced than Fallout 3's, and Fallout 3 in its current state is far more buggy and crash prone than the current state of New Vegas.
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But why did he make a New Vegas game? He could have used the New Vegas engine and made Fallout 3: The Frontier. DIfferent world spaces after all.
But why did he make a New Vegas game? He could have used the New Vegas engine and made Fallout 3: The Frontier. DIfferent world spaces after all.
Because it would be infinitely more of a pain in the ass for little to no tangible benefit?

ALso don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure I remember when the Frontier drama was going down that the lead's 'hatred' of New Vegas was a screenshot taken out of context or something. Not 100% about that though.
I think it's much less plagiarism and more "let's take these famous lines from other media and put in our game as references" because they think it will make their mod cooler. Which to be fair, Fallout 2 is kind of guilty of this, but the difference there is that Fallout 2 is actually, you know, good, despite its several issues.

Ironically enough, the project leader apparently hates New Vegas and claims it's a "genuinely shit game" while saying Fallout 3 is great. He only used New Vegas because its engine is more advanced than Fallout 3's, and Fallout 3 in its current state is far more buggy and crash prone than the current state of New Vegas.

Let's see Fallout the Frontier copied: Halo, Dead Space, Wolfenstein, Black Hawk down, Resident Evil, I think. The game tried to be too many things at once. The Wolfpack mission was similar to Operation Anchorage in terms of mechanics. First it's a Call of Duty game, then it's vehicle simulator, then it's space, then it's a horror game, then screw it, it's a betrayal game. If the mod took place after New Vegas like Dust, it would have been a little bit more satisfying.
So I finished playing Fallout the Frontier NCR Campaign and I was amazed how similair it was to Fallout 3. Fallout 3 was the only other Fallout game with so much scripted content. The game is broken and just straight up plagiarizes other games. One line I remmember was "I will use the force," while the other was: "Why are we still here? just to suffer?"

The other questlines in Fallout 3 are the same just without vehicles and cutscenes. The Legion was just ruined to not resemble the Legion at all. The Brotherhood of Steel got turned into a goody two shoes faction, similar to Bethesda's Brotherhood of Steel. But the thing that pissed me off the most is that the sidequests were in no way connected to the main questline. Just like in Fallout 3. The game feels like a retelling of Fallout 3. I feel like as if the Brotherhood of Steel was replaced by the NCR and the Enclave by the Legion. While Rancor looks like Kellog in shades as well as resembles Wesker and Mr. Smith with Benny-like motivations. A fruit salad of a character. The endings are unstatisfying for all factions. It also feels disjointed, because is happens before the battle of Hoover Dam, yet major events are not at all modded into the vanilla games.

Personally, this mod should have been a mod for Fallout 3 instead. A bad mod for a bad game. Theses two fit will with one another.

The Frontier is a ridiculous Call of Duty clone with lots of sleazy content and bizarrely stupid stuff.

And yet all of this is being ignored for, "Too much like Fallout 3."

I swear to God, No Mutants Allowed never changes.
I saw a thread titled "My personal thoughts on Fallout the Frontier" with CT Phipp's avatar on the "recent posts" sidebar and got scared for a moment.
The Frontier is a ridiculous Call of Duty clone with lots of sleazy content and bizarrely stupid stuff.

And yet all of this is being ignored for, "Too much like Fallout 3."

I swear to God, No Mutants Allowed never changes.

How is Fallout 3 any different? It features Call of Duty gameplay style in both Broken Steel and Anchorage DLC. At the very start of the game it's scripted. People criticize Fallout 3 for ignoring a ton of lore, but people forget how linear and fps style the campagin is. Fallout 4 later reinforces this scripted first person shooter gameplay and just throws the rpg lore into the trash.
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How is Fallout 3 any different? It features Call of Duty gameplay style in both Broken Steel and Anchorage DLC. At the very start of the game it's scripted. People criticize Fallout 3 for ignoring a ton of lore, but people forget how linear and fps style the campagin is. Fallout 3 later reinforces this scripted first person shooter gameplay and just throws the rpg lore into the trash.
How is Broken Steel Call of Duty gameplay style?
How is it not?

I think basically you have settled into a position where you think you see a bunch of evidence to your claim while everyone else is not. Call of Duty being a cover-based shooter about giant set pieces and epic battle engagements that you have convinced yourself Fallout 3 is all about but really describes only Operation: Anchorage which is an in-universe video game. For those who like Fallout 3 or even just think it's anything like COD, Fallout 3 is a lonely experience of wandering the Wasteland and open world exploration involving large amounts of conversation, sidequesting, and world-building.

Is it a bit on the shallow side? Yes. A lot of excuses are made for why the Enclave, Super-Mutants, and BOS are there. However, 90% of the game is not battles (the final assault with Liberty Prime is an exception) and more things like going over that hill, seeing what's in that grocery store, and poking that thing with a stick.
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I think basically you have settled into a position where you think you see a bunch of evidence to your claim while everyone else is not. Call of Duty being a cover-based shooter about giant set pieces and epic battle engagements that you have convinced yourself Fallout 3 is all about but really describes only Operation: Anchorage which is an in-universe video game. For those who like Fallout 3 or even just think it's anything like COD, Fallout 3 is a lonely experience of wandering the Wasteland and open world exploration involving large amounts of conversation, sidequesting, and world-building.

Is it a bit on the shallow side? Yes. A lot of excuses are made for why the Enclave, Super-Mutants, and BOS are there. However, 90% of the game is not battles (the final assault with Liberty Prime is an exception) and more things like going over that hill, seeing what's in that grocery store, and poking that thing with a stick.

The main storyline is too linear. It forces you to be the Enclave's enemy, escape into the Citadel and watch how your father dies. Once you reach the Citadel, 1/2 the main plot is complete.
The main storyline is too linear. It forces you to be the Enclave's enemy, escape into the Citadel and watch how your father dies. Once you reach the Citadel, 1/2 the main plot is complete.

There's a caveat there that I think a lot of fans ignore. You can side with the Enclave multiple times. The problem is that the Enclave kills you.

1. You can give Colonel Autumn your father's code by guessing it. He kills you.
2. You can side with John Henry Eden and poison the Wasteland. It will kill you.
3. You can betray the Brotherhood of Steel and nuke them with satellites. Its just the Enclave won't view you as an ally because you've already wiped them out.

Because you're a Wastelander and they're Nazis. It's something that is clear in Fallout 2 that the Enclave does not WANT your help and will kill you no matter what. Fans want to be able to side with them but that isn't lore friendly.

Otherwise, the game gives you a decent for its time amount of choice with the Good and Evil options.
There's a caveat there that I think a lot of fans ignore. You can side with the Enclave multiple times. The problem is that the Enclave kills you.

1. You can give Colonel Autumn your father's code by guessing it. He kills you.
2. You can side with John Henry Eden and poison the Wasteland. It will kill you.
3. You can betray the Brotherhood of Steel and nuke them with satellites. Its just the Enclave won't view you as an ally because you've already wiped them out.

Because you're a Wastelander and they're Nazis. It's something that is clear in Fallout 2 that the Enclave does not WANT your help and will kill you no matter what. Fans want to be able to side with them but that isn't lore friendly.

Otherwise, the game gives you a decent for its time amount of choice with the Good and Evil options.

You don't add politics into a video game. Do not politicize video games. The word "nazi" is inappropriate here. You are comparing a fictional US deep state government to the Third Reich.

The game prohibits you to side with the Enclave. Them killing you and you dying is part of the script.

Just like making Swank give Benny up is part of the script. Just like him being a dumbass and being captured by the Legion.

In order to fix Benny you would need to change the script. He had so much potential. Him hiring assassins to kill you in his suite was such a good buildup for an abondoned plotline. Benny is an abondoned plotline. Sacrificed for Hoover Dam. The Hoover Dam battle itself is a letdown and is not the best part of the game. It was not as fun as other quests in the game. It could have been cut or added as DLC like Broken Steel.

My vision for Benny was him becoming this despot/oligrach who terrorizes New Vegas and the Mojave. Hires mercs and assasins and places bounties on your head. Turns everyone against you. Frames you. Tell everyone about Hopeville etc. Takes control of nukes, archimedes 2 etc. No this is not the Rancor plotline. As Rancor was a weasel that betrayed everyone for personal gain. Benny is the personal villain. Personal villains are the besg villains. Postapocalyptic crime game. Is a New Reno-like crime boss.
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But you do add politics into a video game because they are inherently political especially RPG's. RPG's don't stop being political just because current year politics hurts your butt. What is politics? When you figure that out you can stop saying dumb shit.
You don't add politics into a video game. Do not politicize video games. The word "nazi" is inappropriate here. You are comparing a fictional US deep state government to the Third Reich.

Except there's a caveat to Godwin's Law that it does not apply to things explictly based on the Nazis.

The Galactic Empire


The Enclave.

Which were, in fact, inspired by the Third Reich in Fallout 2. Also, American Right Wing politics.

But also the Nazis.
Except there's a caveat to Godwin's Law that it does not apply to things explictly based on the Nazis.

The Galactic Empire


The Enclave.

Which were, in fact, inspired by the Third Reich in Fallout 2. Also, American Right Wing politics.

But also the Nazis.

Says whom? Also maybe the Enclave was inspired by America in general? After all it's a capitalist parody game. No matter how many times Chinese communism is condemned, it's American capitalism that's being made fun of. The fact that after a third world war, people are still fighting over stupid crap. Fallout: The Fourth World War.

But you do add politics into a video game because they are inherently political especially RPG's. RPG's don't stop being political just because current year politics hurts your butt. What is politics? When you figure that out you can stop saying dumb shit.

In-game politics like slavery and bottle caps is not the same thing as real life politics. The game's in game politics should be independant from real life politics and adherent to it's setting. Adding wokeness into a video game just for the sake of it ruins the video game. Everyone gave The Frontier shit for not including the Enclave cause: "orange man bad etc, etc, etc."

So if you are calling the Enclave, "Nazis," you are no different from them Frontier developers.
Says whom? Also maybe the Enclave was inspired by America in general? After all it's a capitalist parody game. No matter how many times Chinese communism is condemned, it's American capitalism that's being made fun of. The fact that after a third world war, people are still fighting over stupid crap. Fallout: The Fourth World War.

Tim Cain.

But you don't see the similarities about a bunch of ultra-authoritarian fascists that consider themselves a master race that wish to exterminate all "lesser" races with a bio plague so only their people remain? I mean, they weren't meant to be "nuanced" characters. There was a reason that you have to kill them all in the game.