Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

You have to become a mutant. Which type would you want to be? Pick one and explain why
I would be a venus man trap. I could talk with perverts and stuff, it'd be cool.
Which Master Blaster? The one from Galaxy High, or the one from Mad Max:Beyond Thunder Dome?The new MASTER BLASTER
I checked the book out at the store. Cool stuff.Has anyone here played the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle PnP RPG?
The main point of the game is deciding what kind of mutant to play, and customizing the mutations.
It's an excellent game.
I took the 'Other' poll option to mean other mutants in Fallout, and couldn't think of any that I'd choose to become.
A beastmaster. I am gonna make my own Zerg-lite. Biological robots are much cheaper.
Yes. Quite a bit.Has anyone here played the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle PnP RPG?