If you had to become a mutant, what type would you be?

You are forced to become a mutant, and must choose which type you are. Which you you choose?

  • Ghoul

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Super Mutant (First Generation)

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Why be just mutant when you can be invisible mutant instead? Also, they seem to easily have the best sense of humor out of all the mutants. Not to mention having to find a cure for schizophrenia in a post apocalyptic wasteland will either be interesting in itself, or interesting to experience the results of your failure.

If you are to be damned, be completely damned.
Supermutants/nightkin are big fuckers who probably need to eat a comical amount of food, and wouldn't fit through anything designed for humans.

Being a "Master" would confine me to a chair and probably scare away the ladies more than they already are scared away...

Being a Ghoul means my dick falls off.

I would be a venus man trap. I could talk with perverts and stuff, it'd be cool.

If you became a mutant you would not be able to post here ! So all this kinkiness must stop !
I would be The Master of course. The new MASTER BLASTER that is attached to a fucking M88 so he can drive around and tow tanks for no reason.
Which Master Blaster? The one from Galaxy High, or the one from Mad Max:Beyond Thunder Dome?

Fun-fact: If you look close at the jury in the first episode of Star Trek TNG (Encounter at Farpoint), you can see Angelo Rossitto among them.


My own choice (as per topic) would be ghoul. It's hard to pass up near immortality. Supermutants are powerful, but infirm, and it's a crapshoot that you keep your mind intact after the transformation.
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A beastmaster. I am gonna make my own Zerg-lite. Biological robots are much cheaper.
Has anyone here played the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle PnP RPG?

The main point of the game is deciding what kind of mutant to play, and customizing the mutations.
It's an excellent game.

I took the 'Other' poll option to mean other mutants in Fallout, and couldn't think of any that I'd choose to become.
Has anyone here played the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle PnP RPG?

The main point of the game is deciding what kind of mutant to play, and customizing the mutations.
It's an excellent game.

I took the 'Other' poll option to mean other mutants in Fallout, and couldn't think of any that I'd choose to become.
I checked the book out at the store. Cool stuff.

Has anyone here played the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle PnP RPG?

The main point of the game is deciding what kind of mutant to play, and customizing the mutations.
It's an excellent game.

I took the 'Other' poll option to mean other mutants in Fallout, and couldn't think of any that I'd choose to become.
I checked the book out at the store. Cool stuff.

I chose other to stay loyal to the philosophy of NMA, the Enclave and the other racially pure honky, human beans.

@TorontoReign "I would be The Master of course. The new MASTER BLASTER that is attached to a fucking M88 so he can drive around and tow tanks for no reason."
Jesus on fucking toast !! Did you ever meet the master ? He was one ugly fucker well worse than your pic. I know towing tanks would be a decent hobby, it's every boys' dream.
( Is that apostrophe s or s apostrophe) Makes me worry the grammar natsys will jump on my case. Also while we are discussing English Oxford grammar, I typed the word attached an it showed a red underline pfftt.

If I did chose to take the mutate perk in fallout I would just mutate my dick into porn star + lengths , then shag Vikki Goldman and the other blond, black dress wearing pussy in fallout games .Leslie Bishop I wouldn't touch with a bargepole
Super Mutants are immortal, are immune to radiation, immune to sickness and disease, super fast, super strong, and if you're a pure human (not irradiated) you'll keep your intelligence.

A downside being physical appearance and sterility but you'd still be able to have sex with hookers at Reno.

I see no problems.
Well Cocaine is not all it's cracked up to be, neither is immortality. I wont mention you're an ugly kid. I could keep my ravishing good looks, my wit charm and intelligence. but die a happy fallout universe person who had kept himself occupied making robot jukeboxes and flying cars like spinners. I managed that as I found a huge stash of magazines on car mechanics and custom cars. My already high intelligence was upped with some mentos but the jealous devs never mentioned my Supercar, that travelled on land and under the sea it was the marvel of the age.
A beastmaster. I am gonna make my own Zerg-lite. Biological robots are much cheaper.

Same. Also search for pre-war tech. With somesort of psyker amplifier tech, a Beast Lord might be able to pull an "Aquaman" on all non-human, non-deathclaw animals. Plus the entire powerset has insane potential, like imagine ordering ravens to spy on your enemies, make insects eat their cords and cables, etc. Plus you don't even need to hunt, you can literally order animals to do that for you. Plus you can use animals to do all sorts of neat things, like making dogs or felines into your sensors.

I recently read the Hosteen Storm series (from 50s) and Hosteen is pretty much a Beast Lord IN SPACE, and his power is pretty neat.
I would for sure be one of those Rule 34 Mutants with the big scary looking penis.
I just hope and pray to Gord that I would NOT have a regressed/repressed/repossessed mutation and become a hypocrite that gets freaked out when seeing a female's breasts. To a neurotic with deflated libido, a pair of jugs awakens past memories of mammaries
The engorged clitoris of these mutated creatures passes as a penis.
william dempsey said:
Has anyone here played the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle PnP RPG?
@Gizmojunk said "Yes. Quite a bit."

@william dempsey Answered "I don't know why I would flip the turtle over in the first place "

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