First time out of the vault

Apologies if I missed to post in proper forum section. From what I searched so far I found this as best place. I have no intention to break any rules so if I mistaken please move or remove it (I will copy my post so I could post it again if needed).
And apologies in advance for lot if questions and details I may have
But modding is new for me and I would like to set new game best I could, and I don't feel I know enough to be sure I'm doing it all as it should be. Plus I would like to hear recommendations for additional mods and tweaks.
Last time I played game (F2) I'm sure I used RP. And once I installed RP, it updated SFall but not to latest one so I set it to latest one myself (at first I mistaken something and had constant warning about it in game so had to do it all over again to get it working. Not sure if I needed to do that but game worked fine for me. Maybe only Enclave part was bit weird feeling but I was able to do it fine). I used also Miria mod (I think same which I intend to use now), and some tweaks mod(s) but I can't really recall which one.
It was way better expirience compared to non modded F2 which I played long ago. Still, it was not much of challenge regarding combat. There was not much trouble to beat game (I did not killed everything which exist, but did killed everything hostile completely) on Hard both gameplay and combat. Once I get better armor and Light Support Weapon / Bozar, it was almost easy, later with high luck + Better Criticals + Sniper perk, it was very easy.
Now, RP and RPU are different mods actually, right? As from what I understand, it is RP but now maintaned, further updated and patched. Correct me if I'm wrong.
RP did offered me, during install, to choose some things and tweaks as I recall.
Now I installed game, and installed RPU, but I was not offered that option. If I need to check some things manually, let me know. But I guess it is how its supposted to be.
So now I have - Fallout 2 1.02d RP 2.3.3u26 SFALL
Last days I was reading about mods, and I was reading thread about which Miria mod could work with V26 and Talking Heads, some users had issues. Also I found some users had problem with RPU crashing game when entering Vault City.
So, I did give it a try and installed latest Talking Heads (and Talking Heads fix for Miria), and Endocore's Miria Mod (December 2013), as I found post from use player who stated that Miria mod worked fine for him with V26.
So I did quick test, with save editor I just boosted some stats crazy like so I can just quickly travel and test. Went straight to Modoc and there seems to be no problem at all with Miria so far, she can use and remove armor just fine, talking head works fine for her, as rest of commands. We did not only tested fight.
Also, there is no any crash when I enter Vault City (I enter only first area of it, did not try more).
I also downloaded Exp_list and copy EX table for 1.5X as I leveled too quick and easy last time (my opinion).
Found also MIB88 Megamod but as it cannot work with RPU, I would like to try RPU this time, lets try Megamod another time, I will keep it in mind.
So I want to make proper install (it seems to works fine so far), enhance it further with mods you would recommend it to me, be sure I don't make any mistake which would ruin anything in game, and this time play 3 girls sniper squad (Miria and Kitsune, and I would do some modifications for their stats to fit it, but later more on it).
I don't want to play with Bozar blasting everything anymore, I want new and more challenge. Sniper aimed shoots (and later Sniper perk) sounds good for me.
--------------------- so from this point I will need your advices
To fit NPCs for this idea, I like to give them more critical hit chance and some better criticals. Yes it is kind of cheating but I simply don't see point where I do 99% of work and damage all time (as they can't get perks and same progresion as players character), while NPCs doing just tiny damage to later strong opponents (it is annoying as all I have to care is to not get them killed, but they contibute little, I want them to do something actually). And I'm not doing it to make game easier for me, but as I said to make sniper efficient party, I simply want to have company honestly, who plays similar to me.
To get that, for Miria I think it is not problem because I had to copy files for her into Proto/Critters folder (so I can modify them).
Miria files are only ones in Critters folder however. So how I can modify Kitsune? I can using Save editor, but every time she levels up I would have to modify it again, as I don't know way to modify it in advance (as I can for Miria).
As I cannot get her early in game anyway I would be fine with just disabling her leveling up (my idea at moment) so I could simply modify her stats once I get her into party and it would stay like that.
Could I do it using "party" file in Data folder? ([Party Member 26] ; pMKITSUNE_PID)
If i delete 16777724 and rest, would it work to disable her leveling or would cause problem once she have to level up?
Or maybe I can set level_minimum at lets say 90 (99 is cap for F2 right?), maybe it would work as I simply won't ever reach that level.
So far I have RPU V26 latest, Talking heads (plus fix for Miria), Miria mod, and modified XP progression table to make it bit slower.
Talking heads is nice btw, many thanks to modder
. It does not change gameplay but is really nice nice addition.
I never player it, but recently I read about F2WR mod, from what I read it seems very nice and appealing to what I want. Also from what I understand it would fix AP ammunition issue, make combat overall more challenge which I want, turn Bozar into sniper rifle also wohoooo, etc.
Should that mod be my choice for combat and weapons (ammunition) tweaks ?
And from this point on, I have no more idea, I'm open to hear any recommendations for any other mods which can work with RPU I have. Feel free to suggest, I like expanded content or some nice tweaks.
Tnx in advance
And apologies in advance for lot if questions and details I may have

But modding is new for me and I would like to set new game best I could, and I don't feel I know enough to be sure I'm doing it all as it should be. Plus I would like to hear recommendations for additional mods and tweaks.
Last time I played game (F2) I'm sure I used RP. And once I installed RP, it updated SFall but not to latest one so I set it to latest one myself (at first I mistaken something and had constant warning about it in game so had to do it all over again to get it working. Not sure if I needed to do that but game worked fine for me. Maybe only Enclave part was bit weird feeling but I was able to do it fine). I used also Miria mod (I think same which I intend to use now), and some tweaks mod(s) but I can't really recall which one.
It was way better expirience compared to non modded F2 which I played long ago. Still, it was not much of challenge regarding combat. There was not much trouble to beat game (I did not killed everything which exist, but did killed everything hostile completely) on Hard both gameplay and combat. Once I get better armor and Light Support Weapon / Bozar, it was almost easy, later with high luck + Better Criticals + Sniper perk, it was very easy.
Now, RP and RPU are different mods actually, right? As from what I understand, it is RP but now maintaned, further updated and patched. Correct me if I'm wrong.
RP did offered me, during install, to choose some things and tweaks as I recall.
Now I installed game, and installed RPU, but I was not offered that option. If I need to check some things manually, let me know. But I guess it is how its supposted to be.
So now I have - Fallout 2 1.02d RP 2.3.3u26 SFALL
Last days I was reading about mods, and I was reading thread about which Miria mod could work with V26 and Talking Heads, some users had issues. Also I found some users had problem with RPU crashing game when entering Vault City.
So, I did give it a try and installed latest Talking Heads (and Talking Heads fix for Miria), and Endocore's Miria Mod (December 2013), as I found post from use player who stated that Miria mod worked fine for him with V26.
So I did quick test, with save editor I just boosted some stats crazy like so I can just quickly travel and test. Went straight to Modoc and there seems to be no problem at all with Miria so far, she can use and remove armor just fine, talking head works fine for her, as rest of commands. We did not only tested fight.
Also, there is no any crash when I enter Vault City (I enter only first area of it, did not try more).
I also downloaded Exp_list and copy EX table for 1.5X as I leveled too quick and easy last time (my opinion).
Found also MIB88 Megamod but as it cannot work with RPU, I would like to try RPU this time, lets try Megamod another time, I will keep it in mind.
So I want to make proper install (it seems to works fine so far), enhance it further with mods you would recommend it to me, be sure I don't make any mistake which would ruin anything in game, and this time play 3 girls sniper squad (Miria and Kitsune, and I would do some modifications for their stats to fit it, but later more on it).
I don't want to play with Bozar blasting everything anymore, I want new and more challenge. Sniper aimed shoots (and later Sniper perk) sounds good for me.
--------------------- so from this point I will need your advices
To fit NPCs for this idea, I like to give them more critical hit chance and some better criticals. Yes it is kind of cheating but I simply don't see point where I do 99% of work and damage all time (as they can't get perks and same progresion as players character), while NPCs doing just tiny damage to later strong opponents (it is annoying as all I have to care is to not get them killed, but they contibute little, I want them to do something actually). And I'm not doing it to make game easier for me, but as I said to make sniper efficient party, I simply want to have company honestly, who plays similar to me.
To get that, for Miria I think it is not problem because I had to copy files for her into Proto/Critters folder (so I can modify them).
Miria files are only ones in Critters folder however. So how I can modify Kitsune? I can using Save editor, but every time she levels up I would have to modify it again, as I don't know way to modify it in advance (as I can for Miria).
As I cannot get her early in game anyway I would be fine with just disabling her leveling up (my idea at moment) so I could simply modify her stats once I get her into party and it would stay like that.
Could I do it using "party" file in Data folder? ([Party Member 26] ; pMKITSUNE_PID)
If i delete 16777724 and rest, would it work to disable her leveling or would cause problem once she have to level up?
Or maybe I can set level_minimum at lets say 90 (99 is cap for F2 right?), maybe it would work as I simply won't ever reach that level.
So far I have RPU V26 latest, Talking heads (plus fix for Miria), Miria mod, and modified XP progression table to make it bit slower.
Talking heads is nice btw, many thanks to modder

I never player it, but recently I read about F2WR mod, from what I read it seems very nice and appealing to what I want. Also from what I understand it would fix AP ammunition issue, make combat overall more challenge which I want, turn Bozar into sniper rifle also wohoooo, etc.
Should that mod be my choice for combat and weapons (ammunition) tweaks ?
And from this point on, I have no more idea, I'm open to hear any recommendations for any other mods which can work with RPU I have. Feel free to suggest, I like expanded content or some nice tweaks.
Tnx in advance