Apparently the source code has been in Bethesda's possession for years

I feel like a screenshot I took from Tim Cain's youtube will be sufficient to show my point:
View attachment 27185
Oh, WELL THAT'S GOOD NEWS! I've always wondered if it was ever found, after learning about it being lost through the whole Interplay VS. Bethesda lawsuit debacle.
Good to know that it was at least found, thanks @JustAShcookius for sharing this!!! And huge round of applause for Tim Cain coming in with the answers to set the record straight! :clap: :clap: :clap: :ok:

Also, can you link the video to where this question was asked in the comment section?
Oh, WELL THAT'S GOOD NEWS! I've always wondered if it was ever found, after learning about it being lost through the whole Interplay VS. Bethesda lawsuit debacle.
Good to know that it was at least found, thanks @JustAShcookius for sharing this!!! And huge round of applause for Tim Cain coming in with the answers to set the record straight! :clap: :clap: :clap: :ok:

Also, can you link the video to where this question was asked in the comment section?

Pretty sure it was in this video, it was kinda buried down there however.
We just need an upscale-to-Wide-HD graphical remaster~ No need to fuck with anything else.

Let me play Fallout on my ultra wide screen.
I dont think it's possible, because that mean they need to have original art asset to upscale it without loss of quality.
They have WHAT

Wait, you're telling me Bethesda had the fucking Source Code all this time?! The fuck. Sure didn't act like it!

We should really ask Bethesda about that.
I thought that was why they were being so kosher about the Reverse Engineering, because it was lost.

Are we sure Tim Cain isn't wrong here? Better check!
And truth be told, if Bethesda insist that they DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT have the source codes, what can anyone do about it?
@Slaughter Manslaught @laclongquan

This might be wishful thinking on my part, but what if the reason why Bethesda has neither confirmed nor denied that they have the source codes for Fallout 1 and 2, it's because they're secretly working on (or at least has assigned someone else to work on it, InXile anyone?)
the Remasters/Remakes for them!? And of course, the NDA's that goes along with them?

;) :look:
Nah, that would involve Bethesda having to do something that involves effort and Bethesda don't do effort.
If they admit to having source codes, what will they do when the old loudmouth fans of F1/2 demand them doing a remaster? ESPECIALLY if they dont want to do it? Remember, the current Beth is 3D engine. 2D graphic is more than 2 decades ago, several generations leaders and workers ago.

So whether or they have it is unimportant. They will always say they dont have it.
Also I dont think they going to do anything related to retrofuturism (like F1/2 definitely is). F4 and FS prove that they abandoned that art direction, and F4 profit repay their change, so I dont think they going to return to the old road.
@Slaughter Manslaught @laclongquan

This might be wishful thinking on my part, but what if the reason why Bethesda has neither confirmed nor denied that they have the source codes for Fallout 1 and 2, it's because they're secretly working on (or at least has assigned someone else to work on it, InXile anyone?)
the Remasters/Remakes for them!? And of course, the NDA's that goes along with them?

;) :look:

Perhaps, but saying they have the source code wouldn't mean much aside from them, well, having the source codes. They have the Van Buren codebase and that doesn't mean anything because they obviously never had any intent of using it.

Also aparently Bethesda doesn't do remakes, they prefer Remasters.

An Inxille remaster of Fallout would be way cool, ngl
An Inxille remaster of Fallout would be way cool, ngl
Yeah exactly, or even a new Fallout game made by them would be great and quite interesting. Seeing a modern Isometric Styled Fallout by InXile could open the door to many possibilities and wonders, there's so much potential being wasted. C'mon BOOK IT MICROSOFT, BOOK IT!

There is so much scope to modernise and add to OG Fallout, that's why I admire the hard work people have made making the total conversions.

they could even bring back the master who had stepped out of the shower and it was all a dream. (joke there somewhere)
Yeah exactly, or even a new Fallout game made by them would be great and quite interesting. Seeing a modern Isometric Styled Fallout by InXile could open the door to many possibilities and wonders, there's so much potential being wasted. C'mon BOOK IT MICROSOFT, BOOK IT!


Honestly it feels like Bethesda sucks at exploring the Fallout franchise. There's so much to do, stories to tell, ideas to explore... and they barely tap it. I mean, at least we are getting a TV Show...?

There is so much scope to modernise and add to OG Fallout, that's why I admire the hard work people have made making the total conversions.

Personally, seeing the wonders done with OpenX-COM have made me realize the that if there is real hope, it lies in the Proles Fans.
Once/when the reverse-engineering is done, we shall have an open source engine to play with. Imagine the potential. I would love to see Fallout Total Conversions on the level of PirateZ or The X-COM Files.
Been saying for a while that Fallout doesn't need a real remaster, just bake in windowed fullscreen, higher resolutions, and bugfixes. QoL stuff, not a full new 3D engine or whatever.
Honestly it feels like Bethesda sucks at exploring the Fallout franchise. There's so much to do, stories to tell, ideas to explore... and they barely tap it. I mean, at least we are getting a TV Show...?

Personally, seeing the wonders done with OpenX-COM have made me realize the that if there is real hope, it lies in the Proles Fans.
Once/when the reverse-engineering is done, we shall have an open source engine to play with. Imagine the potential. I would love to see Fallout Total Conversions on the level of PirateZ or The X-COM Files.
I would not hold out hope for that quality since I feel like OpenX-Com's design allows it to be tinkered with much easily.
Been saying for a while that Fallout doesn't need a real remaster, just bake in windowed fullscreen, higher resolutions, and bugfixes. QoL stuff, not a full new 3D engine or whatever.
We already have all of that.
We already have all of that.
We do, through a ton of workarounds. I think newbies would appreciate it being a simplified process with modern GUI. Not necessary, but few remakes/remasters are.

Actually, the holy grail would be *modding* tools. I'm still waiting for Mutant's Rising to come out and I've been waiting for it since I was a child, it's just seemingly too hard to mod the damn game.
We also have modding tools. :D It's not super hard to make Fo2 mods, it's just that nobody wants to learn how to do it. Sorry but if you want to make a mod, you gotta learn how it works.