I swear to god, both microsoft and bugthesda are truly led by a bunch of idiots


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Okay, quick rant, apologies up front.

I don't know about you, but Fallout New Vegas is probably the last good Fallout game. You are free to like it, hate it, call it buggy mess, etc. However, despite the years, it still holds up both story wise and choice wise. And it was released over FIFTEEN years ago. 15! In that time, what happened to the Franchise?

-notFallout 4 was released, it was horrible, there is a 3 hour long video on why that was the case.
-notFallout 76 was released, same thing as above.
-Fallout tv show, which completely shat all over the remaining parts of the lore, probably out of spite.

Nothing changed, when microsoft acquired bugthesda, which really isn't surprising all things considered. But, the sheer ineptess of the ruling cadre of both companies is truly astonishing. They had years to figure out what people want and what failed, like Concord, etc. And yet, despite it all, a ton of franchises are just left to rot. There really should be a law that states if a company does not use a franchise for 5 years to make an appropriate media (video game, tv show, bloody tabletop game) they should lose the rights to it and be sold off on an auction.

I mean, just look what modders have done on Gamebryo like this:

Or this:

Can you imagine New Vegas on a brand new engine that:
-Uses combat from Batman series or that Mad Max game.
-Giant and detailed world, without 200 loading screens.
-Has got all the basic abilities of modern shooters (hold breath, sprint, go prone, etc)
-Graphics that don't make your eyes bleed
-Power Armour that is both good and lore accurate? (No GARBAGE fusion cores, rare, no power armour frames)
-Gunplay that does not feel like handling a brick?

I swear both Microsoft and bugthesda are made out of pure idiocy. The modders and fans have shown time and time again, what they want. New Vegas REMAKE. From scratch. With love and care. Like the System Shock Remake? I could die a happy man, if I could play it something like that. Alas, fuck bethesda and props to all the modders.
It's because Bethesda is complacent and too scared to move on to another engine or overhaul the way they approach game design because they're worried the "bethesda magic" will be lost in the process. I remember hearing that they don't really have design documents even. No idea how true that is for Starfield.
-Fallout tv show, which completely shat all over the remaining parts of the lore, probably out of spite.
You best not be confusing what is "unexplained" for a retcon. Only one out of the lot that "Shat all over the remaining lore" (As if modern bethesda has done so much irreparable damage to the series' universe that you use terms like "remaining") is the moving of Shady Sands, which is fair, but if I were to play Devil's Advocate its been moved before... Now to get rid of all of the annoying stuff: Ghoul serum doesn't state nor imply that ghouls have required the item to not go feral from the start or in a way that would suggest that the lives of past ghouls are no longer canon, it is more so explained that the serum is for those who are at the end of their cycle and should have already turned feral, ghouls haven't needed this serum since the dawn of time and this doesn't imply that say Lenny had to pop these every hour to not turn, that is logistically impossible and clearly not the intention.
The date confusion is not even an argument it is a cognitive failure.
The Master not finding vault 33 is not an issue for several reasons, for one vaults like vault 13 were very hard to find on basically any terminal or lead that you could use, requiring the master to shake it out of you and a vault as important as 33 would be even worse to find considering it is host to Vault tecs secret world conquering base however you may feel about that addition it breaks no lore. Why didn't the Master go after Vault 8 and why did he not know about the sterility?? Turns out he wasn't the brightest, oh!! And the Vault Dweller rocks his world relatively early in his crusade and as for V17 being added to the list that was in NV so just on OG lore he only really went to a couple vaults one of which didn't have prime normals the other didn't have people. By all means the master must either be accepted as a moron with an idealistic world view or alternatively you better start complaining that V17 is a retcon or something if you want to spread the "love" around.
NCR was going to be destroyed anyways but the way it was done was very stupid and defeats the point of NCRs slow and brutal collapse of famines and politics, water crisis and war. Nuking it was stupid but don't act like NCR didn't already have one foot out the door when even Avellone wanted them to fall.
I really could go on, but I have now lost interest realizing this means nothing to you and for some reason 90% of the fallout community doesn't understand what "retcons" are...
It's because Bethesda is complacent and too scared to move on to another engine or overhaul the way they approach game design because they're worried the "bethesda magic" will be lost in the process. I remember hearing that they don't really have design documents even. No idea how true that is for Starfield.
Its not "don't really have" and just straight up DONT HAVE. They don't use design documents, have stated multiple times that consistency in lore is irrelevant to them, still let Emil run amok, and let literally anyone at the company make quests and writing decisions within said quests. Building a consistent and believable world is irrelevant to them because idiots lap up what they put out currently and "players will just make paper airplanes" out of any story so why bother.
You best not be confusing what is "unexplained" for a retcon. Only one out of the lot that "Shat all over the remaining lore" (As if modern bethesda has done so much irreparable damage to the series' universe that you use terms like "remaining") is the moving of Shady Sands, which is fair, but if I were to play Devil's Advocate its been moved before... Now to get rid of all of the annoying stuff: Ghoul serum doesn't state nor imply that ghouls have required the item to not go feral from the start or in a way that would suggest that the lives of past ghouls are no longer canon, it is more so explained that the serum is for those who are at the end of their cycle and should have already turned feral, ghouls haven't needed this serum since the dawn of time and this doesn't imply that say Lenny had to pop these every hour to not turn, that is logistically impossible and clearly not the intention.
The date confusion is not even an argument it is a cognitive failure.
The Master not finding vault 33 is not an issue for several reasons, for one vaults like vault 13 were very hard to find on basically any terminal or lead that you could use, requiring the master to shake it out of you and a vault as important as 33 would be even worse to find considering it is host to Vault tecs secret world conquering base however you may feel about that addition it breaks no lore. Why didn't the Master go after Vault 8 and why did he not know about the sterility?? Turns out he wasn't the brightest, oh!! And the Vault Dweller rocks his world relatively early in his crusade and as for V17 being added to the list that was in NV so just on OG lore he only really went to a couple vaults one of which didn't have prime normals the other didn't have people. By all means the master must either be accepted as a moron with an idealistic world view or alternatively you better start complaining that V17 is a retcon or something if you want to spread the "love" around.
NCR was going to be destroyed anyways but the way it was done was very stupid and defeats the point of NCRs slow and brutal collapse of famines and politics, water crisis and war. Nuking it was stupid but don't act like NCR didn't already have one foot out the door when even Avellone wanted them to fall.
I really could go on, but I have now lost interest realizing this means nothing to you and for some reason 90% of the fallout community doesn't understand what "retcons" are...
what are you talking about? vault 17 isn't as bad as 4 vaults in boneyard we don't know where it was but the master find it there in no stupid world building element that hurt the master or fallout 1 nor 2 or new vegas story while in the other hand vault 33 32 31 and 4 They are a lot easier to find than 13 they literally in the surface with number in the door which while 13 is located in a cave inside a mountain they find the vault in 500 days 400 if you buy the water for the vault it's well hidden while the tv show vaults are all located in los angeles the children and the super muants scouts should have find them before even the game event happened but let's say los angeles is so massive just to find big vault door with number 33 in the beach why didn't the ncr find these vault in that 120 years? hell in fallout 2 they wanted to get vault city because of technology how didn't they find these 4 vaults in one of their states the boneyard and take them the ncr is literal embodiment of "this is my land and your house in it so get the out of here or be ncr citizen"
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