First time out of the vault

Imo Josh Sawyer & Obsidian in general understands Fallout better than Bethesda ever did since they got their incompetent hands on the IP. And even if Obsidian isn't the same as the one that made New Vegas, I would still risk to put my money on them to have another shot.I don't expect Obsidian to get the Fallout IP again. FNV was lightning in a bottle and trying to recapture the magic won't happen - that train has left the station. Time passes and abilities and memories fade. When they made FNV it was only six years after BOS and nine for Tactics. The only way I could see it happening is if Microsoft makes an executive decision to force Bethesda's hand as their production pace is slower than a snail's. Like, the TESVI teaser trailer is older than Skyrim was at the time of its release.