Unfinished robot, version 1.1

Unfinished robot, version 1.1

  • Media owner Kaczor
  • Date added Apr 8, 2004
  • Reaction score 0
  • Comments 0
Front of an unfinished robot

Front of an unfinished robot

  • Media owner Kaczor
  • Date added Apr 6, 2004
  • Reaction score 0
  • Comments 0
Unfinished robot 1 v1.0

Unfinished robot 1 v1.0

  • Media owner Kaczor
  • Date added Apr 6, 2004
  • Reaction score 0
  • Comments 0
Mech with different guns

Mech with different guns

  • Media owner Kaczor
  • Date added Apr 6, 2004
  • Reaction score 0
  • Comments 0
Another Mech

Another Mech

  • Media owner Kaczor
  • Date added Apr 6, 2004
  • Reaction score 0
  • Comments 0
Mech v1.0

Mech v1.0

  • Media owner Kaczor
  • Date added Apr 6, 2004
  • Reaction score 0
  • Comments 0
Cyborg in action # 2

Cyborg in action # 2

  • Media owner Kaczor
  • Date added Mar 21, 2004
  • Reaction score 0
  • Comments 0
Cyborg in action # 1

Cyborg in action # 1

  • Media owner Kaczor
  • Date added Mar 21, 2004
  • Reaction score 0
  • Comments 0


  • Items 32
  • Album owner Korin
  • Date created
A Polish cyberpunk/post-nuclear project..
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