To me the boring bits help the gameplay. I like games that take a while to play. I hate games that I can finish in less than 2 weeks after buying it. It makes me feel like I wasted my money.
I don't care if it is satire. The attitude in the satirical article? I have that attitude and I had it before that article existed. I remember picking up the box for Brotherhood of Steel and thinking it was a piece of shit same with the box for Tactics. Fallout started on the PC it should...
I am one of the people who consider Fallout Tatics and Brotherhood of steel to be abominations. To me it was like taking the Anime movie, "Akira" and making it an American live action movie using, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Batfleck.
It is the sequel that would have happened before Fallout if Brian Fargo had been able to secure the rights to Wasteland from Electronic Arts. He was not able to obtain the rights so he started the Fallout Franchise instead. Wasteland was made 1988 and it was mostly a text based RPG game with...
It has been a long while since I was on these forums. Life got really busy and I was not able to log on. Anyways, I am one of the early backers/kickstarters for Wasteland 2 is there any other backers are you playing the Wasteland 2 Beta?
I was drunk at a party and was making this hawt sober girl laugh so much. I loved her laugh so I went to her and asked, "Would you open your garage for me?"... She laughed even louder and took me into the bedroom where we fucked twice.
My best friend gave me a copy Two Worlds. It's like oblivion but on a much more massive scale. The main character has to find a relic to save his sister. I won't say much more than that. I really like the game but I had to stop in the middle of it due to the fact I broke my right hand and...