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  • Just listened to the new APC album. I’ve never been so confused. Half amazing, half terrible, and 100% timely “state of events” crap.
    Just binge-watched Devilman Crybaby. Very good anime, but the pacing seemed off at points. I planned on a few episodes at a time.
    My biggest issue was with how it all ended. Left a lot of questions wallowing in obscurity.
    One character I really liked in the series, probably one of the most well constructed characters, was given the Admiral Ackbar treatment just as I was really enjoying his development.
    Haha airplanes. My flight was supposed to land an hour ago in San Diego, but now we’re in Palm Springs refueling because of heavy fog cover.
    Currently my 5th hour on a flight that was supposed to be 2.5 hours long. I ate a Snickers bar for dinner. They still haven’t docked into a terminal. Things seem dire.
    Deleted member 93956
    The Day After Tomorrow, Roland Emerich - 2004
    Every profile picture creppier than the one before
    I hope y’all are enjoying your Christmas Eve. Can’t speak for myself. At work, with assholes, and the food is shit here.
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    Reactions: Crni Vuk
    But I do get to celebrate New Years on leave, so it all turns out good in the end.
    I’m severely disappointed with the new Star Wars movie. It was trying too hard with comedic relief and building up unneeded relations.
    Two movies in and We Still dont Have a Scene Where They Pull Up A map and Go "Okay This Is How Big Our Territory is and This is How Big the First Orders territroy is". Also how did finn and rose get out of the ship, undetected by neither the first order or the resistance? Did the casino sequence need to be 45 minutes long? Did it need to be in there at all?
    Apparently Finn and Rose managed to steal Snoke's spacecraft amidst the destruction caused by the whole lightspeed crash. It showed Rose dragging Finn away, and that's all I recalled seeing.
    Not even just that but how could they leave the ship to go to the casino? The answer: they couldn't and the movie just ignores the situation it had set up.
    Been playing through the CoD WW2 campaign. You could tell me that it was directed by Michael Bay, and I'd take that as an understatement.
    Week of pain for me. Been working 12-hour shifts to accommodate new system software for the boat. Glad it’s almost done, though.
    Time to celebrate another fantastic birthday. My birthday. I’m at work and just spent over $200 on some new uniforms.......... FUCK MY LIIII
    Srry to hear just remeber that your one year older
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Yeah, birthdays suck like that. Of the past ten birthdays I've had, six of them fell on a day I had to do schoolwork.
    Looks like A Perfect Circle released a new track. Hopefully they'll follow up with an album this time.
    Nothing for me to do but play StarCraft Remastered while my friends wait for my Battlefront 2 beta to load.
    how is Starcraft remastered? Still got the same silly AI but with sexy graphics?
    It’s really just a graphics overhaul. I’m fine with that. It allowed for better micromanaging than there was in SC2.
    Played the CoD WW2 open beta on PC. War is by and large my biggest draw to the game. God damn is it fun.
    I dont know that there is someone in here that still like to play CoD :o
    It helps to have an understanding where CoD is taking itself firsthand. My interest is waning, however.
    Riping of operations me thinks
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