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  • Finished Evil Within 2. Meh overall, an upgrade from the original, though not enough to be replayable.
    So that $60 for a 7hour game
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    Like most games these days.
    30 hours was my total gametime, however, that's including backtracking, side missions, just being an explorative cunt that I am. Had 99.9% complete, since I missed one file. Overall, it was kind of intense and such, but it's certainly not replayable. Hell, even in the base playthrough some of the weapons just became absolutely useless, like the Assault Rifle.
    I'm kind of shocked by how popular Sarah Anderson's 'comics' are getting. Apparently people love self-centered beings who are neurotic?
    I wonder how much of that popularity is from the meme edits.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    A couple of them made me slightly chuckle but I can see where you're coming from. I did laugh at the edited ones though (only reason I know of Andersen), given my dark sense of humour.
    I hate Fish for showing me FO:Reloaded. Good game, honestly, though NMA should give it a try.
    Yeah i will get on it again soon
    Dauntless seems actually promising, I love the sounds the Behemoths make, just need to tune the speed up a bit. Maybe 25%?
    did a pistol-only playthrough of RE4 and got stuck in the dreaded Novistador cave. Fucking hell, I might buy a Striker, honestly.
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    Where do you find enough ammo just for the pistol though ?
    Knife everything you can. Uppgrade capacity when the clip is emtpy. Pretty much. Also if you got enough cash you can allways buy another copy of one of the guns.
    the game has an interesting mechanic where upon just having a specific weapon in your suitcase, the game will (mostly) drop that ammo type, though it still depends on your luck, which means sometimes you can get good rolls and have over 100 rounds of 9mm, sometimes the game becomes smug bastard and drops nothing but cash.
    is TERA even playable? Last time I heard of it, it was a shitty MMO that had gender-locked roles.
    Deleted member 93956
    Zerg vs JRPG-MMOs
    damn, been a long time since I touched Torchlight 2. Anyone else got this game? Could probably do a little event or some shit.
    Finally finished Fallout 1 as a Heavy Weapons player, so damn hectic. Thinking about Fallout Fixt, is it great?
    Awesome, I'll try it out now with a good ol' fashion Boxer build.
    Rogue One: Terrible film. Better than Farce Awakens, but worse than the prequels before it. Also is apparently made by a racist.
    I honestly don't think he was joking.
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    He deleted the tweet like ten minutes after he posted it. Besides, I don't see the problem of using Star Wars to attack the idea of racism. Just me, though.
    I don't know how that counts as racism, more like try hardiness, you are writting a star wars movie not a high concept political satire, go sell the toys like Disney paid you to do.
    Metro 2033 Redux was...okay. Sure, weapon mods and all that, but the difficulty and placement of weapons feels try-hard at best. Prefer old.
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    Reactions: lolpop109
    Thats on sale on the xbox store I'll probably buy the pack deal of that cuz its like £4.80
    Steven's Universe makes realized how much you can get away with kids in a really bad fucking way.
    Childrens shows are degenerate propaganda.
    seriously, girlfriend was watching it going all "ohh this is cute!", all the while my DOMINANT, ALPHA MALE MIND was going: jesus fucking christ, what the fuck is with this cast of rejects? Why is everyone feminine except for some fema-oh I'm sorry..GEMS. And the sex scenes..just..wow.
    I forgot how much fun Skyrim modded is with a mage class...but then I forgot about level scaling and magic tomes being fucking expensive.
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    Reactions: eissa
    Deleted member 93956
    Modders are wizards after all
    Wow, Skyrim's actually fun when you mod the shit out of it, unlike Fallout 4. Playing as Gul'dan, 10/10, would power grab again.
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