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  • I second what changed asked, I also cannot access that link, and the github doesn't have the .EXE for whatever reason.
    Hi. I found your video about "modding and conflict" but youtube moderation dont want accept that "unauthorized knowledge".
    Search by keywords "unity hub virus". One popular american opensource coder make virus special for PC with russain language who erase your harddrive. After that many russian coders deleted or hide own code.
    Hey there Quantum! I'm new to the fallout modding scene; and i'm following along with your 'How To' Thread from Dec 2020.

    Was wondering if you know where I could grab the sFall Script Editor .EXE since the link ( https://www.nma-fallout.com/resources/sfall-script-editor.77/ ) no longer works. At least for me it doesn't.

    Waiting by my phone to read your reply.

    was wondering why i dint have the proto manager instead i got the FO2 critter editor, trying like u said on your video make my critter but i cant add without the proto manager, i ask the guy Lexx and he gave me the link.. first my browser dint open, then i disable antivirus to download doing the scan i got this https://snipboard.io/yADj2F.jpg so i dint extrat the tool. your proto manager was clean of virus?
    Most anti virus stuff you do need to disable when using exe programs like that or allow an exception. It's not a virus.
    Yeah, I've opened a thread on this before, it's really frustrating that half the existing anti-virus programs flag the proto manager.
    Sorry I took so long to respond.
    HI FRIEND, trying get this programs ur using, still hard for me. see if u know who he is and what u think as a special guest for fallout 2 https://snipboard.io/s0OnIU.jpg and my new locations https://snipboard.io/Pq6V2i.jpg sorry for the low resolution printscreen. P.S this custom sprites that f2 don't use will work ok while playing the game normally?
    lol any characters you want to convert to fallout 2 sounds like fun to me!
    Whether they'll work with a normal game is up to how much time you're willing to take troubleshooting problems that may come up.
    But as long as you convert them to the right format, and attach them to the right critter profile, you should be able to use that character in game just fine.
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