Recent content by AkselVerg

  1. AkselVerg

    Any D&D quest suggestions?

    I`ll try to make some photos of the game and post a short plot.
  2. AkselVerg

    Any D&D quest suggestions?

    I`ve been written from the phone in an uncomfortable position, so it is possible that I did not quite accurately express my thoughts, but you answered as much as possible and I do not even have additional questions - you described everything in detail and clearly. I was not lazy and I read...
  3. AkselVerg

    Any D&D quest suggestions?

    Have anyone played in D & D on the Fallout / Metro2033 / S.T.A.L.K.E.R universe? Can you recommend interesting quests? Unfortunately, I do not have enough time to come up and prepare everything myself because of work, so I'm looking for something ready. It`s going to be about 5-6 players and we...
  4. AkselVerg

    Does Anyone Really Care About VR?

    Really? Have you seen how much does it cost? Here is the usual comparison of several VRs, in my opinion, the price is too high, yes first times the sensations are unusual, you are interested, but then quickly the neck and eyes begin to...