Recent content by Alexmikli

  1. Alexmikli

    Fallout Bakersfield is real and I have a evidence of it's existence

    FWIW, Boosty isn't a scam site, it's just what Russians use for Paypal since almost every other website bans financial transactions with them. I had to use it to help a friend get out of Russia a few years ago. No clue about this particular Boosty though.
  2. Alexmikli

    Fallout: Sonora - Vanilla translation done!

    From what I understand of the dev process, you're correct on this. I really just meant this in the "what would these characters who live in Moscow speak?" way. Likewise with STALKER and ATOM, who have mixed Ukrainian/Russian speaking dev teams.
  3. Alexmikli

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    The hi-res stuff doesn't seem to work when using the CE version of the exe. Would really like access to the resolution settings, especially windowed mode. Any tricks here?
  4. Alexmikli

    Fallout: Sonora - Vanilla translation done!

    To be fair, Metro takes place in Moscow. The characters are likely speaking Russian. I would also assume many characters would be speaking Russian, Ukrainian *and* Belarusian in Chernobyl, given the circumstances there.
  5. Alexmikli

    Mutant Mods is Anti-Guns

    Unironically, people in this thread have been shitty to him. I'm glad he's still making videos.
  6. Alexmikli

    The Independent Fallout Wiki [A New Fallout Wiki With Blackjack and Hookers!]

    I'm not grumbling about the LGBT stuff at all, I support it. I just don't think it needs to be the main banner of the site. Give us the classic yellow and black or tarnished metal look.
  7. Alexmikli

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    It also doesn't help that a lot of the Vaults have *stupid* experiments, especially those from Fallout 3 and 4, and particularly the Penny Arcade ones which are apparently canon for some reason. A lot of the Bible Vaults were dumb too, like Vault 12's door thing is still silly to me. Vault-Tec...
  8. Alexmikli

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    Emil didn't write Fallout 3/4's corporations the way he did from an anti-capitalist lens, he wrote them evil because they're written like funny Saturday Morning Cartoon villains. They do wacky and awful things for humor, like Mom from Futurama, not because the writer is a socialist. Now, my...
  9. Alexmikli

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    The game is perfectly playable on modern hardware with some tinkering and the Borderless Gaming program, though I think that would count as a barrier to people who grew up post-smartphone and are completely unfamiliar with "files' and "folders". I'd be perfectly happy with a re-release with...
  10. Alexmikli

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    I don't think Tim or Josh actually want to blow up the NCR, Tim is just not that invested in it, and Sawyer is unlikely to criticize it due to his personality and ties. Tim also has an excess of empathy, so whenever a company produces bad content, he thinks about all the hard work people put...
  11. Alexmikli

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    The most I could see him criticize is what happened to the NCR, but at the same time I think he's far more likely to broad strokes praise the work the people on the set did, which is both totally fair and very in character. FWIW, I also don't think we're going to hear what we want to hear from...
  12. Alexmikli

    Mutant Mods is Anti-Guns

    Most non-American, and roughly 1/3rd of the American YouTube I watch, are going to be anti-gun. Shit, most people I meet probably aren't a fan of them. It's not a big deal to me. Obviously, I'd prefer it if they were, but I can't base my life around other people's opinions. Mutant Mods still...
  13. Alexmikli

    Fallout: Nuevo México - Official Gameplay Trailer Part: 1

    Seems to be using bits of Van Buren and adding more on to of it. Looks pretty darn good so far. Go to admit that the video opening with rapists was a pretty bold move, really shows they're not afraid of showing dark themes. A good sign imo, so long as it's not all edge with no point. Speaking...
  14. Alexmikli

    Broken Roads Demo Available Now (Post-apoc isometric RPG set in Australia)

    Remember about 10 years ago when a lot of games censored skeletons and zombies? No exposed bone because it's really offensive to the traditional religion of the supposedly atheist Chinese. I doubt many aboriginal people, particularly those who own a computer and will play this game, are likely...
  15. Alexmikli

    Apparently the source code has been in Bethesda's possession for years

    We do, through a ton of workarounds. I think newbies would appreciate it being a simplified process with modern GUI. Not necessary, but few remakes/remasters are. Actually, the holy grail would be *modding* tools. I'm still waiting for Mutant's Rising to come out and I've been waiting for it...