Recent content by Antiwarprofallout

  1. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Lmao the liberals are gonna be done for a decade or two
  2. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Lmao can't wait for next year. You know those elections in Europe next year? This is an indication.
  3. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Hah, can't wait to tell liberals to go to Somalia
  4. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    feed me salt pls
  5. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    I just don't want to be drafted into a third world war
  6. Antiwarprofallout

    Weird things you do in your games...

    I clean up the main building of Camp McCarran. Especially the dining room/kitchen.
  7. Antiwarprofallout

    The world of Fallout: New Vegas makes sense

    To anyone addressing cost concerns for the LMGs: The NCR uses them, just for the Heavy Troopers instead of dispersing them among normal troopers.
  8. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Well it's probably having a good share of what could be defined as British genes. Culturally is of course when they accept the culture.
  9. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Oh wow I went into this from a different angle than anyone
  10. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Well I think the distinction should be made between folk and culture. Culturally, they're probably 100% English, but they might not be apart of the folk as a result of a lack of breeding into the population. If they did though? Yeah they probably are English. I mean, I doubt Vergil will say...
  11. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    This is hitting the nail on the head. The reason that diversity is a good thing genetically is because folk are different; this allows the goodness of different folk to combine and make better folk, while the badness is weeded out. Take note, this is essentially the opposite of nazi arguments.
  12. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    I don't know why, but your post talking about how the majority of Han live in China irked me. I mean, the majority of Irish don't live in Ireland, and neither do the majority of Scots live in Scotland.
  13. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    If Clinton wins, I'll move to Chile. #helicoptersocialism #MakeChileGreatAgain #Pinochet #gocrybolivia
  14. Antiwarprofallout

    The world of Fallout: New Vegas makes sense

    They would* The majority of the time, soldiers aren't fighting. You're just doing normal stuff, and that salvaged armor would just get in the way. Yes, and they're buying LMGs for heavy troopers when it would be more sensible to buy them for normal soldiers.
  15. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    How about we all move back to Trump V Clinton