Then its a good thing she won't. I won't allow myself to be made to look a fool afterall.If Hillary wins, and you spent all your time denying it's even possible, your going to look rather silly.

Then its a good thing she won't. I won't allow myself to be made to look a fool afterall.If Hillary wins, and you spent all your time denying it's even possible, your going to look rather silly.
That's ... actually kinda accurate.Nah Russian is a Nationalist, right wing, Christian country now.
It's leftists who are afraid of the Kremlin now.
If it makes you feel any better I had to deal with more people complaining about hearing about the Royal wedding than I had to hear about the wedding itself.Today, I heard someone say they were honestly fed up of hearing about the US election.
It means that everyone all across Britain gets a day off work, and there are parties in the street.Well, to be honest, the royal wedding is, was and always will be shit.
Just because you have no culture left because of Merkel doesn't mean you have to project that on everyone else.Well, to be honest, the royal wedding is, was and always will be shit.
I wasn't too bothered, got a full day off.If it makes you feel any better I had to deal with more people complaining about hearing about the Royal wedding than I had to hear about the wedding itself.
Culture?Just because you have no culture left because of Merkel doesn't mean you have to project that on everyone else.
I don't see the problem with this picture. If those men have lived a large chunk of there lives in Germany, then whose to say they aren't German?,
Nature.I don't see the problem with this picture. If those men have lived a large chunk of there lives in Germany, then whose to say they aren't German?,
If they're entirely man made why do ethnically French people mostly live in France, ethnically Chinese live in China, Spanish in Spain etc.
You do realize that countries are entirely man-made right?,
Being a certain race/ethnicity does.And being part of one has nothing to do with nature right?
Because culture in those areas has had lots of time to develop, so people start associating certain traits with certain regions?why do ethnically French people mostly live in France, ethnically Chinese live in China, Spanish in Spain etc.
I think you are probably thinking of "Germanic" here, rather than "German""German" is not just a "made up country", it's an ethnically unique race.
Depends on your interpretation.If I move to China and speak Chinese I dont become Chinese myself.