Recent content by ashley52

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    Where have I seen this before

    ahhh yes thats it... I thought I had seen it somewhere in Fallout but could not put my finger on it. Although they are largely different.. there is something strikingly similar. To think this might have been the source of the arts inspiration.. i dunno
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    Where have I seen this before

    Where have I seen this before
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    Favourite pop-cultural reference?

    "A boy and his dog" I never even realised the reference until I saw the movie later on. I couldnt believe the extent to which the game developers knew their genre. If you havent seen the Post-apocalytpic movie. Find it and watch it. It is fantastic... right up your alley.
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    I think Fallout 3 is better than Fallout 2

    Profit...With all due respect. You have been drinking too much toilet water... This is ridiculous in the way of Phantom Menace being better than Empire Strikes Back. I cant begin to argue with you. Because Im too preoccupied with the radioactive levels after you walked into this forum...
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    Suggestion for improving fallout 3 --> fallout 4

    DIALOGUE AND INTERACTION -Problem This is the biggest problem with fallout 3. Laborious, stale... "Tell me more about ....." YAWN God, could this be any more derivative and uninteresting. This killed the game for me... ruining the side quests... ruining the experience full stop...
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    First day of Fallout 3 - my first impressions

    Well what can be said about a game ten years in the waiting. Preconceptions aside, Today I bought this game, and over the last 5hours have given it my undivided attention. And the best way to express the plethora of my emotions and comments would be to approach this systematically...
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    Change to Fallout 3: Morphine becomes Med-X

    Being an Adelaide Australian myself, and waiting almost ten years for this game... i gotta say that is cool to see a fellow gameplayer just as pi$$ed off as me.
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    A New Fan or: How I Learned To Start Worrying About FO3

    Hey m8. I really enjoyed reading that.... Your bloody smart for a 15 year old... I hope your leg gets better dude... But here is the money question? How much of a fan are u... would you have given up your legs for 12 months knowing what you know now?
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    Fallout 3 looks majorly disappointing from demo clips

    I think it is fair to deduce the visceral feel of this game in the 2 minute demo.... and it completely lacks the conceptual art. Its all just polygons... polygons polygons... blowing up in spectacular fireworks fashion. (i know its the bloody mess perk). If Bethesda was so hell bent on...
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    Fallout 3 looks majorly disappointing from demo clips

    I dont care what they are saying about fallout 3. It became quite apparent to me, after about 2 minutes that this game is not going to retain any of the charming qualities from the original games. It looks and feels stiff, arcadish, and colorless. It is a shoot em up for kids "look what...
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    New dev diary on Fallout 3 site

    I agree totally with this. I thought the same thing when I first saw the concept art. Look, I might not have been accurate with who was the director for Steamboy, and Nausica may not have been a post-apocalyptic... I forget because I saw them a while back... most of them within the same...
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    New dev diary on Fallout 3 site

    terebikun I can see some elements of humor... mostly in the gadgets as you pointed out... But its different. The inspirations are different. The monster is what I think most people are referring to... and I agree with them. Its taking itself too serious. The world of fallout wasnt...
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    New dev diary on Fallout 3 site

    SteamPunk As far as I know, have a look at manga cartoons by Hayao Miyazaki. Worlds portrayed like "steamBoy". "castle in the Sky", "Spirited Away", "nausicca of the Valley of Wind"..... etc They are post industrial - post apocalyptic worlds where the future is run on steam, hydraulics...
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    New dev diary on Fallout 3 site

    Ok, the artwork is technically good. Some of Terbikun's opinions are very valid. The mad max influence is great, considering the original fallout was heavily influenced by it. The gadgets and gizmos are spot on. The motor sword is brilliant. But what is it missing.....? The more and...
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    Recommended Unpopular Games\Bands

    Games: Call of Duty UO - multiplayer, rifles only Deathmatch, Winner takes All! Music: Muse - Come on fellas, this is as post-apocalyptic as it gets - try "Citizen Erased" "New Born" "Stockholme Syndrome" and "Knights of Cydonia" Tv On The Radio - post apocalyptic...