This is the biggest problem with fallout 3.
Laborious, stale... "Tell me more about ....." YAWN
God, could this be any more derivative and uninteresting.
This killed the game for me... ruining the side quests... ruining the experience full stop.
The original Fallout had a plethora of personalities. Lively characters. Bethesda have to go back and look at the charisma of the original fallout. The wit and dark humour that oozed not just from every text... but also from the animation and art concepts.
The Cinema-culture references in the original were fantastic...
My suggestion.... the interaction could be more personalised depending on your character.
Use cinema culture...
For example if your character evolves into an intelligent bad guy...
maybe we could have him be more sarcastic and sadistic in his observations...
Maybe even have a voice over ... some self narration like characters in "dexter" or "american Psycho".
Intelligent good guy... I picture a Charlton Heston type ... philosophical ranting ... 'Planet of the apes' or 'Omega Man' style narration and interaction.
A more strength-brawns type character could speak frank...Duke Nukem style... insert a whole array of arnold shwarzenneger.. rambo references...
Charismatic... maybe someone like 'Bruce Campbell' in the evil dead horror films... Always tongue in cheek, and friendly with the ladies. Hans solo maybe. Charlie Sheenish.
These are just ideas running off the top of my head... of course they would be more subtle than I described... but Bethesda's work is missing the pop-culture references that the originals had. Anyone remember 'boy and his dog' ... 'mad max'...
As it stands.. the dialouge and interaction and its personalisation (i.e. [SPEECH]....) is flacid.
I think your character's stats and behaviour should have a more specific and deliberate effect on the interactions offered to you. and this could be based on the many cinema heroes and villains in our cinema culture.
This could be included as background voice over as you interact with the environment... or directly injected into the dialouge box itself.
AS your character develops, particular voice overs are activated as you scour, interact and reach flagpoints in the wastelands.
Simple programming could allow for this "if\then" scripting in the game.
This is the biggest problem with fallout 3.
Laborious, stale... "Tell me more about ....." YAWN
God, could this be any more derivative and uninteresting.
This killed the game for me... ruining the side quests... ruining the experience full stop.
The original Fallout had a plethora of personalities. Lively characters. Bethesda have to go back and look at the charisma of the original fallout. The wit and dark humour that oozed not just from every text... but also from the animation and art concepts.
The Cinema-culture references in the original were fantastic...
My suggestion.... the interaction could be more personalised depending on your character.
Use cinema culture...
For example if your character evolves into an intelligent bad guy...
maybe we could have him be more sarcastic and sadistic in his observations...
Maybe even have a voice over ... some self narration like characters in "dexter" or "american Psycho".
Intelligent good guy... I picture a Charlton Heston type ... philosophical ranting ... 'Planet of the apes' or 'Omega Man' style narration and interaction.
A more strength-brawns type character could speak frank...Duke Nukem style... insert a whole array of arnold shwarzenneger.. rambo references...
Charismatic... maybe someone like 'Bruce Campbell' in the evil dead horror films... Always tongue in cheek, and friendly with the ladies. Hans solo maybe. Charlie Sheenish.
These are just ideas running off the top of my head... of course they would be more subtle than I described... but Bethesda's work is missing the pop-culture references that the originals had. Anyone remember 'boy and his dog' ... 'mad max'...
As it stands.. the dialouge and interaction and its personalisation (i.e. [SPEECH]....) is flacid.
I think your character's stats and behaviour should have a more specific and deliberate effect on the interactions offered to you. and this could be based on the many cinema heroes and villains in our cinema culture.
This could be included as background voice over as you interact with the environment... or directly injected into the dialouge box itself.
AS your character develops, particular voice overs are activated as you scour, interact and reach flagpoints in the wastelands.
Simple programming could allow for this "if\then" scripting in the game.