Recent content by BigBrotherTW

  1. BigBrotherTW

    Kotaku Sucks

    >obvious b8 is obvious kotaku doesnt give a single shit about anything they talk about of course they're going have the most retarded ranking possible
  2. BigBrotherTW

    >Birds eating pig roasts are quite uncommon though. not for long, i got a pig on a spit and a...

    >Birds eating pig roasts are quite uncommon though. not for long, i got a pig on a spit and a nice family of seagulls to feed
  3. BigBrotherTW

    morgan_ confirmed baker

    morgan_ confirmed baker
  4. BigBrotherTW

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    he clearly had a backstage pass to this guy maybe
  5. BigBrotherTW

    DNF 2001 Restoration Projects is pretty good i had a fun time with it, casino is poorly...

    DNF 2001 Restoration Projects is pretty good i had a fun time with it, casino is poorly optimised but that should be fixed soonish
  6. BigBrotherTW

    i never bothered with 8ch, alt chans used to be pretty comfy but they're a dying breed sadly

    i never bothered with 8ch, alt chans used to be pretty comfy but they're a dying breed sadly
  7. BigBrotherTW

    they brought 22ch back but it kind of fucking sucks

    they brought 22ch back but it kind of fucking sucks
  8. BigBrotherTW

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    an anagram of monarchy is car onm hy(way)
  9. BigBrotherTW

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

  10. BigBrotherTW

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    point of odor, you stink
  11. BigBrotherTW

    The Velanian Crisis, a mod for GZDOOM by ADoomedSpaceMarine

    In looking for a video about setting up GZDOOM on linux ive come across a mod that i thought as pretty fun, it modernises movement and combat and adds new weapons and dynamics. so far ive tried it with Doom 2 and heretic and both have worked well, only issue being with heretic where i couldnt...
  12. BigBrotherTW

    Is A New Bioshock Game Even Necessary?

    all the bioshock games, for lack of a better word, seemed mid to me, I could never enjoy the combat loop and i really didnt care about the story. i think if they gave it a bit more time, maybe released it towards the end of this console generation, it might be financially successful (though...
  13. BigBrotherTW

    "toast is me, i am toast" oryx and crake

    "toast is me, i am toast" oryx and crake