Recent content by Censor

  1. Censor

    Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire announced

    Oh right.. Yeah probably shit, I'm out.
  2. Censor

    Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire announced

    Also looking forward to this one.
  3. Censor

    What are your favorite fallout quotes?

    Nyehaeh there's the high roller! Nyehaeh there's the high roller! Nyehaeh there's the high roller!
  4. Censor

    When Youtube Subtitles correct Todd Howard

    Wasn't there an option to betray and destroy the Dark Brotherhood as well? OWOWOWOWWW! Not that it would actually have any impact on the story I'm sure.
  5. Censor

    Name a thing you DON'T hate in Fallout 4

    Well, I thought the animations looked a bit better than they did in Skyrim...
  6. Censor

    Best Fallout game

    New Vegas overall because of the options given to the player and the way the different parts of it's world tie together. Fallout 1 would be a very close second for the same reasons. Fallout 2 is too much "lulz" for me and a number of locations don't really fit in with the rest of the game's...
  7. Censor

    Best Fallout game

    FNV >(only just) F1 > F2
  8. Censor

    Fallout 4 does not make sense

    I finished the Institute's questline today and I honestly still have no idea what the Institute (or me, as uh, Director?) is/was trying to achieve. Fixing reactor? Okay I get that, sort of. Kill pretty much everyone? Yeah well, no persuasion options so I guess this is about security and stuff or...
  9. Censor

    Fallout 4 does not make sense

    So why do raiders and gunners and all those dudes put fricking traps all over the places they live? There's like doors they NEED to go through to get in their sleeping bags and they TRAP IT WITH GRENADES. Or frag mine the entire entrance to their hideout. I know this is minor in the "makes no...
  10. Censor

    Fallout 4 does not make sense

    And what's up with those mutated dogs the people-eating mutants keep with them? Gotta have a zombie variant of every creature I suppose....
  11. Censor

    Fallout 4 1.2 patch is live on Steam

    I have installed the beta patch before and now in Steam I have the [beta] tag still behind my Fallout 4 installation.. anyone else have the same? I'm not sure if I have the latest patch or not. Can anyone who has this latest patch tell me what version is shown in-game?
  12. Censor

    Big Lebowski Reference

    Hmm good catch... interesting!
  13. Censor

    New Vegas fan videos

    The Wild Wild Wasteland one always cracks me up. Laterrrrrr!
  14. Censor

    Fallout 4 Bobbleheads

    True but heck this looks like it will be in line with the previous Bethesda titles. You have to be able to max out everything and then some, and you have to be able to do every quest and open every door. Oh and if you become a werewolf and then become a vampire and lose the werewolf bit then you...