Fallout 4 does not make sense

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If that is your thing, sure. But I expect more from RPGs, and definetly more from Bethesda. Why? Because I know they once did. Hell, even Daggerfall had different endings. And that was 20 years ago. I don't think anyone here is expecting a new Planescape Torment from Beth, as far as the writing and dialog goes. But seriously. Sometimes it really feels like they are not even trying anymore. Like they don't push them self in to new areas, improving on their designs, finding new ways to get more quality into their games. They just simplify their games more and more with each each new sequel, and some large part of their fanbase even celebrates Betheasda as a hero, for turning RPGs into mindless shooters ...

It's sad that Bethesda really stopped making good RPGs, instead just letting their franchise both original and bought fall into figurative ruin.
Hey, remember Curie? The robot that had been stuck inside a vault for 200 years? Well, she and I met some of the blood bugs and she asked if they might have been a product of the radiation or FEV. Curie knows about FEV. How the fuck does she know about FEV?

I will just leave here a picture someone shared with me when Fallout 4 was out for a week or so...


I have no idea how to make a spoiler tag in this forum, sorry :irked:.
And what's up with those mutated dogs the people-eating mutants keep with them?
Gotta have a zombie variant of every creature I suppose....
These two articles don't really warrant a new thread since "Fallout does not make sense" pretty much covers it.

RPS has posted a barrage of Fallout 4 news in recent weeks, but I felt this one was worth posting. Basically he admits the game has shit writing, is really repetitive, has way too many bugs, and plain bad game design...but it is fun to run around, explore, loot, and kill shit. Because that is what Fallout is all about folks!

Kotaku shared an interesting story about a streamer who has attempted a pacifist playthrough of Fallout 4 - which is basically impossible without using certain exploits.
"Oh, just because this is a no-kill run doesn’t necessarily mean no blood will be spilled."

Actually that's what it's supposed to mean....

He had to grind Settlement building to achieve that.... man, this game is such a joke...

Bethesturd, quality Arpeegees.
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"Oh, just because this is a no-kill run doesn’t necessarily mean no blood will be spilled."

Actually that's what it's supposed to mean....

He had to grind Settlement building to achieve that.... man, this game is such a joke...

Bethesturd, quality Arpeegees.

Now you are reminding me of the certain people with that video...

I recall (may not be exact) people who geniunely said that pacifism is not what Fallout is about, and that if I want to play that kind of way, I should go play one of the classic RPGs.

I don't even think they were trolling.

Oh, the irony.
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Wow is that video such a fail, "Pacifies generic NPC dude" *gets head blown off* "still dies anyways". :lol:

I don't count it as a pacifist playthrough if you have to tell your pack mule to murder everything while you hide in a corner. That sounds boring and a waste of time. Now in Deus Ex you can use an electric prod, tranq darts, baton, ect to pacify enemies and you can still play the game while doing it!

In Underrail last night I was able to either Persuade the raiders to take me to the leader and talk the leader down, or intimidate the two initial raiders with intimidate skill or intelligence. Fallout 1 allows you to bypass the whole Master fight by simply showing the autopsy papers/speech, and I think you can sneak past him to activate the countdown till explosion but I can't remember.

In Fallout 4 you either murder everything or tell your pack mule to slaughter every one and be a "pacifist" while you hide behind a corner and you know...not play the game.
I mean what else did that guy do besides play dress up doll house with the building settlements, accept quests, and pick up every little thing like forks that weren't bolted down to the floor? Killing most of the population of Boston is around 75% of the game, atleast it was for me.
Paladin Danse tells a story about some Mutants kidnapping his buddy and then exposing him to the FEV and turnning him into a Super Mutant.... except the DC Mutants state they don't have any FEV left, and the Mutation taking weeks to happen... Gotta have that cheap drama in there.

I think I heard even some Boston SMs saying something like "No green stuff left", just like the DC mutants. But they're totally different, really, guys!
Sooooooooooooo I just did the quest where you help a bunch of 'ol navy robots fix up that ship with the rocket thrusters that is capsized on a building. I don't know if anyone else has said it yet but uh... The thing did fly. So... Yup.
So why do raiders and gunners and all those dudes put fricking traps all over the places they live? There's like doors they NEED to go through to get in their sleeping bags and they TRAP IT WITH GRENADES. Or frag mine the entire entrance to their hideout. I know this is minor in the "makes no sense list" but this bugs the shit out of me lately.
Well the player can easily disable them anyways so it seems pointless to set up traps, it's not like perception is useful for noticing traps and there's no traps skill either. You know it's really hard to say anything nice about the game when there's barely anything good about it.
Well, as to the frag mines, I dunno how they work but apparently they are set to not activate for you or allies, so the Raiders 'can't' set them off. As to the trip-wires? It's Boston man, it's arguably more of a hell-hole than the Capital Wasteland so why would you not trap the shit out of your place to avoid someone creeping up on you? They just have to remember to step around real careful like.
Sooooooooooooo I just did the quest where you help a bunch of 'ol navy robots fix up that ship with the rocket thrusters that is capsized on a building. I don't know if anyone else has said it yet but uh... The thing did fly. So... Yup.

To tell the truth, while that entire event was a violation of the law of physics to the highest degree, it was literally one of the two or three quests to actually have skill checks and chances to change sides, so I'll have to give that an up.
Well Boston wouldn't be such a hell hole if the people in Boston weren't so bored out of their minds as to do things like saving robots and knew how to rebuild like using wood from trees and picking the skeletons littered all over the place.
Well Boston wouldn't be such a hell hole if the people in Boston weren't so bored out of their minds as to do things like saving robots and knew how to rebuild like using wood from trees and picking the skeletons littered all over the place.

Boston's a hellhole because the Institute sends armies to wipe out the biggest settlements because they want one pre-war tech part one of those settlers has. See University Point for proof. They accidentally release a new strain of FEV and would wipe out entire areas to get one synth back. The raiders fill up the ruins of their work, and so it stays a hellhole. This is why you see no progress in anything.

I tend to think that all the debris and destruction wasn't only the Great War, but also the Institute. Of course, it's also laziness to create a faction who can teleport anywhere, destroy whole towns on a whim, and have accidents with aftermaths that lasts a century. but can easily be defeated by the player, so there's that.

It's like that kid who plays with other kids and says his favourite toy can beat everyone else's and that it's unfair if you say it can't. This is literally the Institute.
Well Boston wouldn't be such a hell hole if the people in Boston weren't so bored out of their minds as to do things like saving robots and knew how to rebuild like using wood from trees and picking the skeletons littered all over the place.

Boston's a hellhole because the Institute sends armies to wipe out the biggest settlements because they want one pre-war tech part one of those settlers has. See University Point for proof. They accidentally release a new strain of FEV and would wipe out entire areas to get one synth back. The raiders fill up the ruins of their work, and so it stays a hellhole. This is why you see no progress in anything.

I tend to think that all the debris and destruction wasn't only the Great War, but also the Institute. Of course, it's also laziness to create a faction who can teleport anywhere, destroy whole towns on a whim, and have accidents with aftermaths that lasts a century. but can easily be defeated by the player, so there's that.

It's like that kid who plays with other kids and says his favourite toy can beat everyone else's and that it's unfair if you say it can't. This is literally the Institute.

There's power armor lying around everywhere and yet the people of places like Diamond Shitty don't bother making off with them and instead sit around doing bugger all. You could say that about all those weapons in abandoned prewar safes and other containers lying around unopened. Yes I know the Institute is too incompetent to do anything right including wiping their asses I'm sure.

I just don't believe Boston could look like this after 200 years with no hint of progress besides Diamond Shitty while people trip over dusty skeletons to get to a diner table to eat next to another dusty skeleton.
Lets not for get some places even have super mutants next door to feral ghouls and raiders yet no one has killed each other.
Sorry if I come off as a dick but this is your everyday theme park with wacky things going on that shouldn't make any sense logically.