i think it is ok to find the waterchip first and then retry it. you can also invest in barter to get cheaper books
btw i just thought the ghoul caged in necropolis could have repair book on his mattress lol it's pretty much only normal situation when we have to actually use that skill
some of...
Yeah but in Falllout critters almost never gave up. I mean they would run away but what for if they stayed like 15 hexes from you. So it's more realistic. By the way, does any mod stop random encounters from spawning the character in the middle of a fight?
That mod is the best what happened to Fallout since the Fallout Bible. It's better news than Fallout 3 lol
If I ever make my own build it will be Fallout + et tu + ECCO + FO2tweaks if it's compatible, and simply FO2 + ECCO + FO2tweaks. I'm waiting for the TalkingHeadsMod to be done. I think with...
The Invasion is maybe not bugged, but I don't think it stops when you kill the Master. Besides, it should only stop if you destroy the Mariposa, I think. In other words, the Invasion is always going to happen unless you finish the game. There is no way to stop it or save anyone from the...
FIXT doesn't change the engine itself, it only mixes with the scripts and uses the same high-res patch, but et tu has most of the functionality and is even better. Though FIXT has some nice things like improved inventory for the Vault Dweller, a bit of interface (but there are accurate F2...
it wasn't exactly a panic mode. i wasn't into modding fallout before and i just got fed up. afair russians were always good modders or crackers if you prefer to say so. lately i've installed f2 npc extension and my old saves stopped working. too bad cause i was already in vault city and heading...
thanks for info, i appreciate it. i think i got it from moddb, so it would be v1.5. now i deleted it so screw it. but i have same issue with olympus. screw it either. maybe vanilla fallout is the best lol. though i have modded f2 and it is fun. having combat control i see how much npcs can suck...
idk if i have right upload but it is THAT file so i guess i do heh. i once discussed it on your discord and fallout 1997 has much less characters so...
it shows that fallout could be vivid and modern. feels like another game from black isle studios, this time from 2000. though others are probably right, i just seen the first few minutes of it. (i don't have luck to mods lately due to some glitches)
k, thanks for being helpful
inventory filter: pretty much what i said. the swap bar hides the price during barter. i'd actually use that mod cause it is helpful (the inventory filter itself isn't as much for me, but that feature is making game more fluent and easier)
combat control: as i said...
i mean idk what 10k dollars would change for example as it wouldn't make anyone hire 100 actors or additional designers lol your explanation is unnecessary