I am not seeing it as an anfront. It's merely not realistic to expect it at all times.
It's like lifting weights. There is a "peak" that you reach with your performance and from there it's a steady drop. That does not mean that you should stop working out or that working out makes no sense. And...
I think you're missunderstanding my intention here.
Endless growth is not possible. That's simply a fact. We all get older. We have a period were we can make substantial improvements and then you get a point where it simply declines till you die. For some it happens sooner. For some later. But...
They can "consider" a lot of things. What ever if they actually can do it is a whole different question. I am not an expert on Switzerland, but I assume they have a constitution and laws similar to the rest of the European countries. Which means, you can not jail or criminalise people for...
Yes. - Which is also funny that you show those particular clips as those "capitalist" themes are represented as light harted jokes. Silvester rolling around in money (Silvester ... of all characters who's well known as being greedy and evil). Or the comment "Eh, that's mass consumption". Those...
Such as? Like did it promote a capitalist/free liberal government-bad message here? Or was it really just "whacky" shit for fun and giggles? I watched Loony Toons as a kid. And there was barely any message in it at all. Outside of ... whacky shit. I mean you do remember that the show had a very...
If capitalism is so awesome, how comes there are so few (if any) capitalist cartoons promoting capitalism and completely free market enterprise? It's almost like capitalism requires qualities and characteristics that we really do NOT want to teach our children.
Yeah. And because working in fast...
Sure. I love it too. But there is also a bit of nostalgia. It is an "old" game after all. So it has it's flaws here and there. Particularly when you compare the last part of the game in Area51 with the midle of the game. It's still a true classic. But I think in overall level design and...
I rooted so much for them winning over all this. It would have been a fresh take. Everyone believed humanity to "win". Would have been so awesome if the last episodes/season was actually about people migrating from the north/Westeros to the southern parts simply escaping the long night...
Yeah. I often find that Open World games really lack a cohesive narrative. They just don't move forward like a more linear game might which has a tighter narrative.