Recent content by cronicler

  1. cronicler

    Daddy, daddy, I want THAT one.

    A certain mid sized boat...
  2. cronicler

    Say something positive about the USA

    The only crisis Germany is going through is one of self mutilation. Greenies and Professional Politicians, backed by Russian money, have ensured that Germany never went real green energy and was deadlocked to energy insolvency intentionally. Just remind yourself who has been militantly...
  3. cronicler

    Say something positive about the USA

    Ookay... Let me check; Executive (President & the federal departments answering to the office of President) Legislative (Congress,; you know, the ones that are supposed to create the laws that are to be "executed") & Judicial branches make up the US federal governmental structure, all three legs...
  4. cronicler

    Say something positive about the USA

    Crni... can you please explain how walking back a false/politically expedient/untrue decision and restricting the Federal government's overreach is a bad call? The original decision was wrong when it was politically produced and was still wrong when it was finally struck down. This is an issue...
  5. cronicler

    Classic Fallout Gameplay Flaws (Also New Vegas)

    To be perfectly honest, Fallout was pretty much barebones and rough in many areas. If I could go back in time and suggest / implement design changes to the team, I would be advocating for "streamlining" the stat & skill side of the game while simultaneously arguing for the opposite via...
  6. cronicler

    Say something positive about the USA

    P-W T? Thank you soo much for forcing me to defend DJT. /s What you are showing us is NOT the reality but editorialized propaganda. Forex, lets take a deeper look at your last picture of DJT and the juicy soundbyte about "animals"; The guy calls MS13 gangbangers and their ilk "animals", yes...
  7. cronicler

    Say something positive about the USA

    Sigh... Toronto, US constitution is fundamentally different from any other similar document on earth. Almost if not all other comparable documents are lists of "permissions" and "prohibitions" their subjects are restricted to; and in most cases, it's not expressly written & permitted in the...
  8. cronicler

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.10

    Ah, it all becomes clear now. Thare ist yer problem laddie! Why would you use a dismounted multilaser in the first place? Are you maad? MAAD I say! This post is sponsored by the bad humour fairy LLC.
  9. cronicler

    Fallout 1: 2222 edition - A design Document that will go nowhere

    Blame Slaughter, Commander Capslock and Williem the Demp for this topic for their banter in the FO1/2 port tread as they rekindled a very, very old fantasy of mine; Somewhen around late 99 or early 00, I had created a decent chunk of a rough design draft while discussing games on a local...
  10. cronicler

    200 + hour game reviews

    Eh, the correct answer is "it depends". IIRC, I got the game for 15 or maybe 10 usd during very early parts of it's EA after coming across a LP of it. At 0.05 or 0.075 usd per hour, it was an excellent value per price game that I really enjoyed. The thing that got me was seeing all that...
  11. cronicler

    200 + hour game reviews

    Heh. I almost dropped one of these on BreathEdge; and yes, it was a negative one. Basically, I got the game at early access stage and played it's crashsite/survival/0G basebuilding section to "destruction". It was basic and quite limited but I had quite a bit of fun with it and was actually...
  12. cronicler

    Credibility level of porting FO1/2 to modern consoles?

    Bethesda? Absolutely, Emphatically a very big "NO!" Bethesda isn't much of a game studio outside it's extremely narrow niche based firmly on their engine and all the various crude tools they have built for it (and the better tools they stole from the modders...) The only way they could do it...
  13. cronicler

    Say something positive about the USA

    It's existence is actually founded on laws agreed upon by it's citizens and actual citizenship; as opposed to top down fiat and subjects. It will survive whereas almost all others will wilt and wither on the vine as the environmental conditions change..
  14. cronicler

    Power Armor Strength Buffs

    As far as I understand, it depends on the type of exoskeleton; A Cyberdyne HAL style (assist) exoskeletons works directly as a force multiplier based on the capabilities of organic body for the most part with strictly limited/controlled output for safety. A Load Carrier style exo on the other...
  15. cronicler

    A thought on the design of Fallout Tactics PA helmet.

    Personally, I chalked up the changes to the environmental factors which included salvage available; Even in modern armies with mostly standardized equipment, there are less common options for units in certain environments; like most soldiers using Advanced Combat Helmets but those on Ships...