Recent content by DaMailMan

  1. DaMailMan

    What did you all think of the worldbuilding?

    Yeah, ngl, I'm counting on some good fan-made games or spiritual successors to save us at this point.
  2. DaMailMan

    What did you all think of the worldbuilding?

    When it comes to the show's strengths, I think that worldbuilding is definitely not one of them. I kept putting myself in the shoes of someone new to the Fallout series and asking myself "What is this? Where are we? How does this work?" and I can't imagine they were anything but confused. Lucy...
  3. DaMailMan

    How would you do a Fallout Show?

    This is what I wanted, and I think you described it perfectly. Season 2 would cover Fallout 2, 3 F3, and so on. I don't quite understand why they decided to tell an original story instead of adapting the interesting material we already have and making it accessible to audience who aren't into...
  4. DaMailMan

    Hypothetical Fallout set in the Midwest

    Dude we need a Fallout mod for Civ 6 now. I want to unite America under the Republic of Dave.
  5. DaMailMan

    Fallout 5: Greater Orleans & Your Ideas

    Thanks! I'll get working on it!
  6. DaMailMan

    Hypothetical Fallout set in the Midwest

    What would you say to a version where the player takes control of a roaming warband and raids settlements? They could use a horde of riders on mutated buffalo and rusted cars. Or perhaps they could be the lawbringer of the Midwest, trying to stamp out the hordes for good with an elite...
  7. DaMailMan

    Fallout 5: Greater Orleans & Your Ideas

    Alright, full confession, I've been having a TON of fun in my spare time cooking up some design and lore for my version of Fallout 5 in Louisiana since I made the initial post, and I love all the ideas I've gotten just from this discussion alone. If I new posted the first few pages of a design...
  8. DaMailMan

    Fallout 5: Greater Orleans & Your Ideas

    I know slavery fits the southern theme, and it's my own personal, subjective taste, but I think exploring a slave civilization as the primary setting would be just too darn depressing. I mean as far as I've played them there's slavery in every Fallout game, but in 3 and 4 at least the slavers...
  9. DaMailMan

    Hypothetical Fallout set in the Midwest

    I also think the next game should be around Chicago, but I've lived in Michigan most of my life, so I feel duty-bound to toss Detroit in there. I think it would be funny if they took the run-down manufacturing reputation of Detroit and put it on steroids: In the pre-war days, ravenous consumer...
  10. DaMailMan

    Fallout 5: Greater Orleans & Your Ideas

    Related to that, how would you feel about a game where you built that Great Khan Empire they talk about at the ending of New Vegas, facing off against the Legion and splinter factions?
  11. DaMailMan

    Fallout 5: Greater Orleans & Your Ideas

    Dude, I wish this person was hired by Bethesda back then. Not only did they have a lot of the same ideas, they even have that French Revolution influence, which is brilliant. The changes I would make are to make the bayou environment less like a swamp and more of a jungle or rainforest, since as...
  12. DaMailMan

    Fallout 5: Greater Orleans & Your Ideas

    I love that Rocketeers idea!
  13. DaMailMan

    Fallout 5: Greater Orleans & Your Ideas

    Thank you! Glad to be here! Dang, I haven't played any of the DLCs, I didn't realize that was what Point Lookout was about! (Just looked it up, I love the look of it btw) To avoid repeating the swamp environment then, I think that's where we could incorporate the malfunctioning GECK. Perhaps...
  14. DaMailMan

    Fallout 5: Greater Orleans & Your Ideas

    For whatever reason I've been thinking a lot about ideas and hopes for what the next game could (or should) be. I've played 3, 4 and New Vegas, and New Vegas is my favorite game in the series by far. I keep thinking how I would go about it if (for no logical reason) I were put in charge of...