Recent content by Dove

  1. Dove

    Brittany Murphy Dead

  2. Dove

    GTA IV will have DRM

    Funny. I had Crysis running on highest on that rig for a while. It's pretty sweet.
  3. Dove

    How do I put water chip back into necropolis computer?

    Yeah that thing was cool. It's in a random encounter that I never got with less than luck 9. It kicks major ass though and well worth it.
  4. Dove

    Graphics Card

    Agreed. I have a BFG 9800 GT OC. Kicks ass and cheap.
  5. Dove

    Anyone else find computer hacking depressing?

    I hated the hacking, but the lockpicking was well done.
  6. Dove

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Enjoy it, it's been a long time since there's been a deep role playing game around. I haven't tried the new version, but the loading times sucked. Make potions, lots of them. You never know when you might need one.
  7. Dove

    V:TM - Bloodlines

    Play through it once with just the official patch, then try the 5.3 patch. Add some mods with it for some added flavor. Stay away from the Tessmage patch, but the nude mods are good for a laugh. If this is your first time playing, you're going to love it.
  8. Dove

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Played the witcher at all before? Or first time?
  9. Dove

    REAL FO3 System Requirements?

    That's the bottleneck.
  10. Dove

    latency with usb 1.1 soundcards

    I don't understand the question. Why not get a $10 PCI soundcard?
  11. Dove

    PSU/MOBO Hilarity

    Lucky you. Want a burnt out HP 9.5 x 9.5 socket 939 mobo that doesn't even boot into bios?
  12. Dove

    PSU/MOBO Hilarity

    I just went through this. In my case it was the SATA adapters on the mobo that fried. Same symptoms you have, I thought it was all kinds of things too, but it was MOBO all the way. And it's most likely unrepairable. Time to upgrade your system early like me it sounds.
  13. Dove

    Fallout 3 - First Mods

    Wow, still bashing 3 eh? IMO Bethesda did a great job keeping the fallout feeling alive in it. I was one of the most worried it was going to be oblivion with guns. It's really quite a surprise how well it turned out. I was expecting the worst, so when I got it, the good parts of it showed much...
  14. Dove

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    After tenish years, you know what I'm going to be playing shortly. Might not be around too much for a couple weeks.
  15. Dove

    Silent Hill: Homecoming

    I dunno horst, I didn't like condemned. I agree on SH2. Best of the series, and still best horror game I've ever played.