Recent content by Dr Fallout

  1. Dr Fallout

    Fallout: Vault Archives PnP Revised Edition

    Of course, thank you. Speaking of the New Plague story, I might actually start my players out as inhabitants of Boulder Dome. Most of the necessary ingredients of a compelling main story are there. An isolated community in danger, a quest for macguffin which takes you across the map, plenty of...
  2. Dr Fallout

    Fallout: Vault Archives PnP Revised Edition

    In the weapon list, I've noticed many weapons have an S and T value. What does the S and T represent? You've done a great job of taking ideas from Van Buren and making them good, frankly speaking. I'm not entirely sold on the main quest (its functional, but there are too many AIs as is), but...
  3. Dr Fallout

    Retcons you’d like (excluding Bethesda’s lore)

    Vaults were developed as Human Arks Brotherhood of Steel was integrated into the NCR sometime before Fallout 2 The Enclave tried to take over the Wasteland (enslaving local tribes, subjugating local townships) to "rebuild America", but are defeated by a coalition of Wastelanders led by the...
  4. Dr Fallout

    What would you guys like to see in a hypothetical Fallout game set in Colorado

    Yes, but then it just becomes a copy of the Glow. And at least in my campaign, that would undermine its reputation as an El Dorado of the wastes. Scavenging through radioactive ruins doesn't have quite the same panache as uncovering a lost or long-forgotten archive of technology. Denver is...
  5. Dr Fallout

    What would you guys like to see in a hypothetical Fallout game set in Colorado

    I dislike having the Cheyenne Facility completely obliterated by nukes. Yes it's probably the most likely outcome, but come on. It was made to resist nearby nuclear blasts as much as possible; in the Fallout universe it wouldn't be hard to suspend disbelief and have it survive. Some people I...
  6. Dr Fallout

    About the Ghouls of Necropolis controversy

    Ghouls are better in small doses. The proliferation of feral ghouls as discount zombies was by far the biggest mistake in handling ghouls. Becoming a ghoul can't be a fluke if the Wasteland can support literal hordes of ferals.
  7. Dr Fallout

    "This policy of no taxes is one thing but.... what about a small gift....... go on..."

    "This policy of no taxes is one thing but.... what about a small gift....... go on..."
  8. Dr Fallout

    If you could make one change to the Fallout Lore, what would it be?

    I definitely agree with this sentiment, but I gotta be clear here, I'm not fond of the depiction in New Vegas (or even Fallout 2 come to think of it, the little there was) either. But the blame has to fall on Bethesda for deciding that the Brotherhood, Super Mutants and 50s kitsch would forever...
  9. Dr Fallout

    If you could make one change to the Fallout Lore, what would it be?

    That just contradicts Fallout 1. Selling weapons to the Hub for food, water and other supplies doesn't seem like the Brotherhood was "doling out tech in small parcels to those who deserved it and had the wisdom to properly use it". The Brotherhood were arms manufacturers in a similar way to the...
  10. Dr Fallout

    If you could make one change to the Fallout Lore, what would it be?

    The war only began because the Brotherhood of Steel started getting antsy about the NCR and then started stealing technology, which included energy weapons. According to the Van Buren snippet on the wiki, it was to restore the Brotherhood's privileged position. Which makes no sense since its...
  11. Dr Fallout

    If you could make one change to the Fallout Lore, what would it be?

    There's the rub. The stockpiling of tech, more so the reclaiming of tech from Wastelanders isn't a core belief or Brotherhood dogma. That's what makes it so jarring. They just suddenly decided that the NCR was problematic and that stealing technology from others for inexplicable reasons was the...
  12. Dr Fallout

    Pfft, Caesar didn't train a weakling. I recalled my password through brain power alone (I'm...

    Pfft, Caesar didn't train a weakling. I recalled my password through brain power alone (I'm amazed it worked).
  13. Dr Fallout

    Fallout: Vault Archives PnP Revised Edition

    Wow, this an impressive body of work. Flicking through the rules, it all looks very well-put together and thought out. Congratulations, I might just use this.
  14. Dr Fallout

    Fallout Pen and Paper rules I'm planning on using a ruleset called Fallout Faster. It's really lite, but apart from perks (a bestiary would have been appreciated as well), it has everything you'd want from a Fallout rpg; radiation, different character origins, skills...
  15. Dr Fallout

    Fallout 1 vs Fallout 2?

    Fallout 1 is better imo. The writing and setting is tighter, the shorter gameplay is perfect in a time-strapped world. It just oozes the post-apocalypse, and really immerses me into the world a way Fallout 2 doesn't. The fact that travel on the overhead map is noticeably faster than Fallout 2...