Recent content by Drakortha

  1. Drakortha

    Survival, the only way to play....

    To summarize; the game is dumb no matter which way you choose to play it. Survival is a wreck because of the saving constraint. And normal is just too trivial with things like carry weight. You simply can't win.
  2. Drakortha

    Why do people think New Vegas was actually good?

    I've been replaying FNV recently so with a fresh take on it I feel like I can answer the thread title. FNV's strength is in it's story telling and world building. Side quests, main quests, environmental storytelling, all of it is superior to Bethesda's offerings, especially Fallout 4. That game...
  3. Drakortha

    Fallout 1 or Fallout New Vegas?

    New Vegas is the best Fallout game. Fallout 1 comes second, and is still one of my all time favorite games. I first played it when I was around 7 or 8 years old - my uncle gave me his copy on CD and it quickly became my absolute favorite PC game at the time (my 2nd favorite game was Resident...
  4. Drakortha

    disappointed with the main quest (ending spoilers)

    Did you play Far Harbor? It is actually quite a lot different and you get a lot of options how you want to proceed the story. I think they are capable, they just didn't do it for the main quest for some reason.
  5. Drakortha

    disappointed with the main quest (ending spoilers)

    disappointed because the ending is already decided for me because of a decision i made when i was level 35 (im level 60 now) There could have been some more options later in the game if you have a change of heart. I joined the brotherhood at level 35 thinking they were a cool option without...
  6. Drakortha

    Youtube Video Content by Drakortha

    Thanks for watching :) Trailer for Episode 2 is up. The full episode will be out on December 20;
  7. Drakortha

    Nuka World: No Review Possible

    I'd want to give up too if I was stuck working on this piece of shit.
  8. Drakortha

    Nuka World: No Review Possible

    What a piece of shit!
  9. Drakortha

    Youtube Video Content by Drakortha

    New episode of DC Chronicles to kick off season 2; The DC Chronicles has returned with a new episode which will correctly conclude the story of the first season and propose a season 2 story. If you enjoy DC Chronicles please like, subscribe, and share the video, and visit our blog at...
  10. Drakortha

    Youtube Video Content by Drakortha

    I got nothing against little girls.
  11. Drakortha

    Youtube Video Content by Drakortha

    my google account was hijacked, from there my paypal account was compromised & my Youtube account was accessed & closed :) Also my computer itself was remotely accessed somehow, so that was creepy.
  12. Drakortha

    Youtube Video Content by Drakortha

    Hello, Recently, my Youtube channel of 10 years & 21k subscribers was deleted from Youtube. Ive been in the process of launching a new Youtube channel, and rehosting my website. I've created work primarily in Fallout 3, New Vegas, and recently tried my hand at Fallout 4. With more content...
  13. Drakortha

    so they flat out lied about the graphics

    I just remember thinking, upon first seeing this shot in the trailer, we were going to be in for some improved detailed city environments, interesting but shady characters, and mysteries. but what we got was more of the same. A picture can say a thousands words.
  14. Drakortha

    so they flat out lied about the graphics

    yeah this is with ultra settings. but even if it wasn't, it still wouldnt account for the flat out missing props in this shot.
  15. Drakortha

    First Impression of Fallout 4

    After playing Fallout 4, anyone else start to feel like Skyrim wasn't so bad after all?