Recent content by Dudu

  1. D

    Greetings! Is it possible to do this in FOT?

    That was illuminating! Thanks for your reply!
  2. D

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Hello raics and congratulations on the success of your mod. I thought it would be a walk in the park until I started missions 3,4.5. I enjoy having to use tactics and for the first time, I tried CTB mode and it really changes the game for me. I learnt many things from your mod, such as giving...
  3. D

    Greetings! Is it possible to do this in FOT?

    Well, I added another line basically giving the enemy another unit and it works, strange enough. The units are visible and all is well:)
  4. D

    Greetings! Is it possible to do this in FOT?

    Hello again. I was wondering if someone could help me figure out why my spawning units are invisible . Here is what I have done. I placed an entity on the map setting it to player39, giving it the tag Terminator Then I set its team to 8 to be controlled by the computer. Then I went to Triggers...
  5. D

    Greetings! Is it possible to do this in FOT?

    Thank you for your support. I have finally managed to set waypoints properly and I'm so happy. There is one little but important thing I have been unable to figure out: how to make another character join me. I have found a little tip but the explanation is not as detailed as I desire. Still...
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    Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.8b)

    Wow! More portraits and updates! Fabulous! I'd like to make a suggestion however. Before releasing your Beta version, may I suggest to make the maps more modder-friendly? Right now it is really hard to figure out for example where the introductory maps are. Mara's starting location is still...
  7. D

    Greetings! Is it possible to do this in FOT?

    Thank you so much for your reply and precious time, NadeauHugo. Having said that it might have to take a tutorial for me to grasp what you have written above lol. I will keep experimenting as I'm a total newbie as far as modding FOT goes. Cheers
  8. D

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Enclave (V3.3)

    Wow! Just wow! I like everything about this mod, especially the sound effects, and the voice implementation when an enemy is sighted or when a companion is down! I wish it were longer though. Cannot get enough of it, frankly. Are there any plans for future updates?
  9. D

    Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.8b)

    Where do I even begin? It's a whole new game, my friends and a fine one at that. Cannot wait for your next release, hopefully soon!
  10. D

    Fallout Tactics mod Xkcon's ultimate rip off (0.895)

    Hello! I ma enjoying this mod a lot. I am fond of George and Nova, my starting recruits. It's harder than vanilla for sure but that's a plus in my opinion. Hope you continue to develop this great mod. Cheers!
  11. D

    Greetings! Is it possible to do this in FOT?

    Hello, dears! Hope you are all fine and dandy. I have been wondering whether it is possible to remove one of my team members upon exiting the map. The idea is to create certain NPC followers that can only be used in certain maps/scenarios. While fiddling with the Entity Editor, I noticed a tag...