Greetings! Is it possible to do this in FOT?


First time out of the vault
Hello, dears! Hope you are all fine and dandy. I have been wondering whether it is possible to remove one of my team members upon exiting the map. The idea is to create certain NPC followers that can only be used in certain maps/scenarios.

While fiddling with the Entity Editor, I noticed a tag which says "Remove on Exit". I checked it hoping it would do the trick but no dice. I have been trying to find a way for a few days now without success. Your input would be most appreciated.

Hi! I was about to suggest this tag to you, but it seems from your experience of it that the checkbox it is not considered if the entity is player 1. Anyways, I don't find this solution really viable. It can be practical if you want to remove corpses from the map after leaving the mission, but it means you need to deactivate exit grids when entering that map. When you can freely move to the map and back, this option become quite useless.

As a trigger is necessary for leaving the map, looking similar to this :

Condition :
All alive on exit grids

Action :
Exit mission (worldmap)

You can simply add these triggers before "exit mission (worldmap)" :

Action :
Change unit "tagname of your temp. team member" to player # (a player number especially made for that team member).
Deactivate player # (it makes the player # dissapear)
Exit mission (worldmap)

You then can even revisit the map and the temporary player will not be there anymore. Check the mission with the reaver leaders, you'll see how they deal with temporary team members.

You could even do that to bring the temporary team member to change player and talk to the player later upon clicking him/her

Action :
Change unit "tagname of your temp. team member" to player # (a player set to friendly)
Set click speech of "tagname of your temp. team member" to "A speech node that you previously added to the dialogue tab"
Exit mission (worldmap)
Thank you so much for your reply and precious time, NadeauHugo. Having said that it might have to take a tutorial for me to grasp what you have written above lol. I will keep experimenting as I'm a total newbie as far as modding FOT goes. Cheers
No worries at all. Try to learn from simple maps observation, like single scenarios. Vanilla Tactics maps also are pretty straitforward, except they use tons of variables which can be confusing at times. But if you stick on identifying other scripts, you’ll soon have an idea of what I propose. Don’t hesitate to ask help again if you need it.
Thank you for your support. I have finally managed to set waypoints properly and I'm so happy. There is one little but important thing I have been unable to figure out: how to make another character join me. I have found a little tip but the explanation is not as detailed as I desire. Still cannot do it I'm afraid :( The website I found is located here.

Edited: I have managed to figure it out. Apparently I forgot to give the NPC I want to add a special tag. Having done that, all is well :)
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Hello again. I was wondering if someone could help me figure out why my spawning units are invisible . Here is what I have done.

I placed an entity on the map setting it to player39, giving it the tag Terminator
Then I set its team to 8 to be controlled by the computer.
Then I went to Triggers and created a new one:

Effect=Deactivate player39

Trigger 2

Condition=If a certain character is spoken to
Effect=Change Terminater (player39) to player Bos(human)

It works but the unit is always invisible. I tried changing the trigger condition but the result is always the same: an invisible unit that can walk and fight but unseen. What did I do wrong?
Hello again. I was wondering if someone could help me figure out why my spawning units are invisible . Here is what I have done.

I placed an entity on the map setting it to player39, giving it the tag Terminator
Then I set its team to 8 to be controlled by the computer.
Then I went to Triggers and created a new one:

Effect=Deactivate player39

Trigger 2

Condition=If a certain character is spoken to
Effect=Change Terminater (player39) to player Bos(human)

It works but the unit is always invisible. I tried changing the trigger condition but the result is always the same: an invisible unit that can walk and fight but unseen. What did I do wrong?

Well, I added another line basically giving the enemy another unit and it works, strange enough. The units are visible and all is well:)
Yeah there seems to be a bug with map added NPCs unfortunately. If an NPC is added via the script then they won't change their sentry mode from passive to defensive or aggressive. Oddly enough taking them back to the bunker and swapping them in and out of the recruits pool seems to get the ability working again. Placing them on the map beforehand and set to your team means sentry change works but they can randomly swap out with main members of your squad if you arrived with a full squad. Rather buggy which is a shame.
Yeah there seems to be a bug with map added NPCs unfortunately. If an NPC is added via the script then they won't change their sentry mode from passive to defensive or aggressive. Oddly enough taking them back to the bunker and swapping them in and out of the recruits pool seems to get the ability working again. Placing them on the map beforehand and set to your team means sentry change works but they can randomly swap out with main members of your squad if you arrived with a full squad. Rather buggy which is a shame.

That was illuminating! Thanks for your reply!