Recent content by F.E.V.DippedDoofus

  1. F

    Things we learned from Fallout 3

    317. (above didn't number) You can find a fully functional Samurai sword on an alien space ship. 318. A Samurai is still alive and well, fully armored in an alien spacecraft. 319. Beth made a Addon about an alien spacecraft. 320. I actually bought an addon about an alien spacecraft for...
  2. F

    Seasons in the Wasteland?

    I highly doubt radiation fixed the earth's axis tilt, I'd have to take Tactics word for it about the snow.
  3. F

    What we'd like to see in New Vegas?

    I agree with all the stuff previously said (no Enclave. BOS) A pack Brahmin, sure caravans can do it, why not you? No houses, you are a wanderer, you should be wandering. I'd like to see something similar to Kotor 2's Item mods, where you can upgrade your weapons. Different ammo...
  4. F


    That is the main reason I, for one, am still holding a skeptical opinion. NV uses the same engine as Fallout 3, are they going to improve on the bugs and the engine before they release their product? Or is it just going to feel like an entirely large DLC. That's another thing that bugs...
  5. F

    Favorite weapon(s)

    FO1: .223 pistol, hands down, I blew a crap set of speakers with that thing going off. As well as the Gatling laser, I damn near pissed myself the first time I got one, what's better than a laser? A lot of lasers. FO2: The Bozar, a godly beast of a weapon and the Gauss rifle (eye shots) I...
  6. F

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    *Brilliant Anyways, I voted for the sales numbers, sadly if you over market the hell out of a product, it seems to be the next best thing to sliced bread these days, Sham-Wow anyone?
  7. F

    Things we learned from Fallout 3

    266. I saw a mudcrab in the woods, er, I mean Mirelurk, nasty little creatures, but the meat is tasty. Did a rash of crabs breakout in Beth's offices?
  8. F

    How to make a good hamburger?

    My burgers come from steak, coming from a long line of butchers, its sometimes best to grind your own meat (heh). You want real meat, none of that supermarket watery crap, real bloody cow slabs, if you do grind your own meat, put garlic and seasoning salt in with the meat before you press...
  9. F

    Great Storyline Games

    I have to agree with they guy who said Eternal Darkness for Gamecube, its got a hell of a story, great game play and decent difficulty rating, though its damn near impossible to find a local copy. Lucasarts games in general have pretty good writing. Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight is one of my all...
  10. F

    First Time You Played Fallout...

    I built my first PC in 1998, ah memories Voodoo chipsets... At the time, my step father was playing FO1, and it looked pretty cool, I borrowed the disc and installed it, played the crap out of it, until Fallout 2 came out, that was the first PC game I bought on my own. That was over...
  11. F

    Things we learned from Fallout 3

    262. While having a shishkabob equipped, nobody seems to aim for the giant tank of gas on your back, rusted up gas tanks are indestructible.
  12. F

    Very Rare Fallout Item

    If I remember correctly, wasn't the Vault boy keychain given out free at best buy for people who pre-ordered FO3?
  13. F

    Hollywood latest mutilation work: King of Fighter the Movie.

    *Bangs head on desk* Really? King of Fighters? What's next a Samurai Showdown movie?
  14. F

    Prop Firelance Fan Art

    Ever plan on mold casting and selling a few on eBay? There is a huge prop-making forum called TheRPF, I've been posting my lightsabers there for a while now, I'm sure they'd get a kick out of that. P.S. They have a Nuka cola label you can print off if anyone is interested...
  15. F

    Super Mutants... Eat... People?

    Personally, I find the muties in FO3 the most annoying enemies by far, if they really are cannibals, why would you fill gore bags with money and ammo? Shouldn't you loot the people you are going to eat? I understand (but not care for) the difference in mutagen FEV's were used to create these...