Recent content by farchettiensis

  1. farchettiensis

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    MS is so big that they can afford take losses in the short-term. Bethesda has been so bent-on making short-term gains and investing heavily in marketing, as opposed to nothing in writing and developing an updated engine, that this piece of news may ease their perceived incentives to maximize...
  2. farchettiensis

    Chris Avellone redeemed

    Well, well, well, how the turntables! I had been frequenting the Discord server for the great game Disco Elysium for months. The vast majority of people there are very left-leaning, progressive. I'm not at odds with that, as I'm quite indifferent to politics, as long as people treat each other...
  3. farchettiensis

    Wasteland 3: Released!

    Just found out it's "free", if you have Microsoft's Game Pass. In my country, you get a discount for the first month, which I suppose might be enough to try it out. I don't really feel like trying it, though, just giving the heads-up.
  4. farchettiensis

    Fallout is now a fighting game!

    I don't even have anything to say anymore about stuff like that. Onto to the next Fallout 2 playthrough.
  5. farchettiensis

    Fallout TV show in development

    Fallout is not a game for Bethesda, it is and has always been a business opportunity. It won't be good; it will exploited according to business decisions. Fallout is dead as long Bethesda makes the shots, this is a hard fact. I place my hope and support in people like PJ (Fallout Yesterday), not...
  6. farchettiensis

    Wasteland 3: Released!

    A bit pricey, I'd say. With the current supply of games, I'm not in a rush to buy a game for this price. The amount of "post-apocalyptic" games is not negligible, not to mention "Fallout/Wasteland-like" games, and I just can't bring myself to get interested in pastiche.
  7. farchettiensis

    Disney meets Bethesda meets HBO? New Star Wars movie

    Ah, the new Star Wars movie (there might be spoilers down the road, so be advised). Here are some thoughts after I watched it yesterday (12-17-15). A few question to start this off: -Was Todd Howard assistant director to JJ Abrams? -Did Emil lend a helping hand to write the characters of this...
  8. farchettiensis

    What is the point of the Children of Atom?

    There was a guy in Whiterun (Skyrim) who worships Talos, a Nordic god for the rebels. This guy does nothing, except scream in a funny way about how awesome Talos was. Maybe CoA has a similar... er, function?
  9. farchettiensis

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    I didn't mean to show up, but here's one with my friend Obama.
  10. farchettiensis

    The Sino-American War: A Matter of Months Or Years?

    Interesting topic. Firstly, we should hypothetically assume that both of them, China and the US, have enough nukes to destroy each other after a few exchanges. The timeline, according to the Bible, says that the US will start its annexation of Canada in 2067, and have it finished by 2076...
  11. farchettiensis

    Current state of things and solution regarding Fallout

    I think that trends run deeper than just blaming big media outlets and Bethesda. They are just unscrupulous, mediocre, pathetic little forms of life who take advantage and explore opportunities. But they did not create mass societies, mass consumerism; they just tap into it. What infuriates the...
  12. farchettiensis

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    That the world doesn't evolve, ever? It's just an incoherent, implausible world. They can't do ''scenarios'' - what would happen if. What would make us earn more money or attract more fanboys, they ask instead.
  13. farchettiensis

    PC World mentions Fallout4 as game of the year even though they think it's a bad game

    A fine description of the game, sir. I've been so touched by the display of love towards this wonderful game, this masterpiece, atomic-babies shooting, can-be-modded, huge map, made-for-all-of-you-hardcore-rpg-lovers-out-there-todd/godd-loves-you, deep and so profoundly written, with an...
  14. farchettiensis

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    I love Sci-fi or simply any movie that deals with the unknown, the fantastic, alternate world, parallel universe etc. Watched this movie last weekend: Swedish Sci-fi, basically around the idea that, provided you can find the right frequency...
  15. farchettiensis

    PC World mentions Fallout4 as game of the year even though they think it's a bad game

    Is there a serious mainstream website that reviews games which is not lenient, overly complacent and does anything but criticize/analyze? I think not, I am afraid. Honest to heart, logical criticism is hardly acceptable these days. That is just 'hating' and 'whining'. IGN (ugh), PC World, seriously?